Pleasant eye appeal with an unobtrusive stance this 6 x 6 storage shed has become one of the most popular purchased within the quality plastic sheds range due to its adequate size, bottom-line price and versatility for countless outdoor storehouse solutions.
Assuming contemplation’s are to purchase a stylish yet competitively priced 6 x 6 ft facility, turning one’s attention beyond the conventional towards a modern display priding the low maintenance convenience polypropylene delivers, take an inspection of Keter’s hugely popular small-to-medium Factor model.
We’re delighted with our decision to change direction, opting to purchase a resin style benefiting minimal conservation, substituting periodic re-coats of varnish & re-roofing headaches demanded by our last wooden facility with a super-swift effortless spray-hose down to rejuvenate the spotless shine, a job that literally takes minutes to accomplish.
Keter produce sturdy outdoor storage solutions across their Factor Range. They may lack style and quality finishing touches compared with some of the markets new entrants like Keter’s composite Fusion Sheds and their customizable Oakland varieties however inspect prices, their success becomes apparent. Factors are extremely budget concious.
Factor 6 x 6 Shed
Designed with modern looks, this fashionable 6 ft x 6 ft repository is not too big and not too small, adds charm to any garden whilst designed to serve an abundance of storage requirements.
Manufacture: Keter
Model: Factor 6 x 6
Size: 6 ft x 6 ft
Colour: Beige
Verdict: Excellent value for money
The beauty of a resin manufacture relates to their imperishability, built-in weather defence and easy to maintain surface. All what’s required with this style of facility is a wash down when grubby to fetch back the pristine appearance.
This facility fulfils a small to medium capacity however 6 sheds complete Keter’s Factor range, the smaller being 6 x 4 feet dimensions, the larger spreading 8 x 6 feet.
Take a walk through the various styles & sizes of Shed Ranges
Composition Boasting Durability
Factor facades replace that glossy plastic impression many resin sheds display by manufacturing a dull beige finish whilst elegant molding engraves the surface to represent wood panel styling harbouring delicate details of textured grain presented within.
The composition regards 100% recyclable polypropylene, impermeable to rainwater whilst resistant to weather attack provides Factor’s defence against decay. UV protection blends within the molding mix averting colour fade’s lacklustre bleaching effect and surface-cracking upon exposure to sunburn.
The walls manufacture regards a dual walled composition preventing the demise in appearance future dents display.
During assembly the wall sheets interlink with each other, secure around a metal framework enhancing rigidity whilst simultaneously interconnecting with the floor providing a barrier from outside thus impeding pests, outside debris and rainfall from finding an ingress, aiding to maintain a preserved dry leaf-free atmosphere.
Generally, a rapid spray-hose down regards the fast efficient process to restore Factor Sheds shine. Over-time deep rooted grime becomes more difficult to remove requiring a bit of elbow grease aided by scrubbing the surface with a soft brush dipped in warm water & light detergent. Many simplify the process even further by using a pressure-wash once a year.
The 6 x 6 comes with one window that can be installed into either side to suit surroundings requiring to work out prior to constructing which side fits the bill.
It’s worth noting deduced via customer feedback to refrain from leaning too heavier items against the walls to prevent bulging, not that the walls are single skinned but there is a limit to the pressure they can withstand.
Sturdy Roof Protection
Similar to the walls, the roof is formed from sheets of polypropylene, shaded dark grey and molded into a stout double skinned topping rendering weather-resistance & durability credentials critical for storage preservation.
Assembled with steel supports further shored up with an internal beam results in a sturdy capping off structure, capable of sustaining weighty 75 kg/m snow piles attributing contentment for when winter’s weather approaches.
Apex in design regards the most favourable roof styling, serving to ensure immediate rainwater drainage. Accompanied by the roof extension beyond the facade, the adequate pitch prevents water languishing whilst the creation of eaves safeguards the occurrence of rainfall finding entry and seeping inside where the walls abut.
Factor’s passion equates to the majorities – No more issues regarding future roof-replacements to deal with thanks to built-in rot-resistant defence. This avoidance is capturing interest in a dramatic way, delighting those looking for an escape route to roofing felt’s rapid structural demise when damp conditions attack. Factor’s modern approach replaces traditional time consuming hassles.
Integral Floor Built For Traffic
Factor floors enclose the shed, forming an integral part of the structure, adjoining the walls serving as a shelter from the outside environment blowing rain, leaves & debris inside, hugely beneficial around Autumn’s fall.
Surprised us how clean and preserved storage is kept due to this built-in feature, the reason we turned our attention away from the metal variety as they seldom incorporate flooring.
The make-up consists of polypropylene, molded into a grip-able thickset hefty base accompanied with supplementary strengthening, providing a floor capable to subsist challenging stresses, specifically designed to endure the tensions of wheeling-in lawnmowers & mobility scooters.
The essential provision to assure floor subsists the pressures regards preparing a solid level base for the shed to station on. Of equal importance regards the anchor positions embedded within the floor to enable grounding the base onto the substrate, increasing permanence and gale resistance levels.
Inside’s Fairly Capacious
6 ft x 6 ft dimensions are roomy enough to accommodate a whole host of outdoor gear. Height-wise, it will store tall items like long handled gardening tools & extendable ladders, outdoor patio accessories & seating, gardening equipment, lawn mowers, barbecue paraphernalia. Many have purchased for the purpose of a potting shed or to harbour the kids toys, it’s roomy enough.
In addition to these storage solutions, this adequate size presents a smart solution for storing bikes and mobility scooters. I have read quite a few impressive reviews regarding the usage for a mobility scooter garage. Accessibility to drive straight in becomes a non issue, the wide double doors allow easy access and it’s roomy enough to move around either side.
The generous internal height delivers freedom for an adult to walk around without arching over, eliminating a cramped in scenario meanwhile vision is enhanced by virtue of a window and skylight embedded within the apex ridge delivering daylight to avert exploring in the dark.
A supreme addition installed into all Factor sheds regards their integrated air vents, built-in front and back generating fresh air circulation to the interior, overcoming yesteryear’s plastic sweating sensation during the summer months and moisture condensing on the inside.
Two shelves with supports are provided, they serve a purpose for light items but not really suitable for heavy storage. The inherent problem with plastic sheds is the inability to screw into the resin to install heavy duty shelves.
The majority, including ourselves have opted to accommodate the stand-alone self-assembly variety and stacking boxes, increasing storage space for weighty items towards the ceiling. It’s surprising how much room can be generated embracing this method.
Access and Security
Factor Sheds provide a no nonsense approach to access. Consisting of robust twin doors spanning the shed width simplifies the process of carting storage in and out, wheeling in the likes of a lawnmower presents no problems.
The doors composition constitutes a dual-wall polypropylene manufacture, molded into a disposition of wood-effect panelling detailed with textured grain, furthermore boosted with imperishable weather-defence to withstand deterioration.
Both doors open widely enabling free & easy access, the advantage of keeping one door closed is catered for via internal dead bolts incorporated behind the left hand door. A sturdy handle provides the entrance operation meanwhile an inbuilt padlock clasp ensures closure and secures.
Factor 6 x 6 Measurements
#1 Priority – Low Maintenance!
Once assembled, this type of body only requires a simple cleaning process whenever dirty. Warm water inclusive of mellow detergent usually does the trick, a pressure-wash down once-a-year regards the most popular procedure.
A hose down every now & again regards our summer’s duty whereas removing ingrained grime, a great knack we picked up is to use white vinegar mixed with warm soapy water and dislodge with a nonabrasive brush. By no means try removing with the likes of a scourer, this may damage the appearance producing scratches around the exterior.
No future time wasted sanding off peeling varnish before re-coating duties commence, no more expense purchasing new stain or paint to help conserve whilst eliminating frustrations over roofing felt sure puts the cherry on top.
How’s this for maintenance?
Clear Assembly Instructions
It’s important to build any resin shed on solid ground. A wood platform or concrete base raised marginally above a floodplain level prevents the base from being immersed. The key is getting the foundations level as this eliminates many problems in one fell swoop.
Conforming to to foundations rule is essential because:
- Alignment during assembly of the panels becomes straightforward from a level base, problems usually arise fitting the roof panels if this step is neglected.
- A level base delivers vertical architraves enabling a plumb door fitting and flawless opening swing.
- Level footings assure a perpendicular stance for the roof load to apply uniform force across all sides thus preventing stresses to one side.
- For the floor to subsist demanding strains, it’s imperative to adhere to these rules.
- Always anchor resin sheds down onto the groundwork’s below to further enhance support against wild weather. You are required to purchase the correct type of anchor screws applicable to the foundation material.
This 6 x 6 requires two people to assemble. Prevent a nightmare and refrain from building on a windy day. Decide which way the window is to face prior to commencing.
Construction is accomplished using household tools, many prefer a faster method using a power screwdriver adjusted to low torsion to prevent damages. We found placing the parts in order to the instruction steps positively quickened the process.
Feedback congratulates the newly improved fixings Keter have redesigned for their Factor range, making these sheds so much smoother to build, a process achieved by following the instruction’s step by step procedure.
Strengths and Weaknesses
- Non glossy finish produces a stylish feature
- Virtually maintenance-free. Only involves a wash down when dirty
- Choice of which way the window faces
- Endless storage solutions for a shed this size
- Superb mobility scooter and bike storage shed
- Imperishable polypropylene resin manufacture
- Double walled composition resists dents
- Non cracking/fading UV protection
- Competitively priced to fit most budgets
- Fresh internal atmosphere delivered by the air vents
- Built-in floor keeps storage clean
- Floor is toughened to endure weighty stresses
- Apex roof delivers quick drainage
- Roof well supported for heavy snowfall
- Made from 100% recyclable polypropylene
- 10 years limited Factor warranty
- 2 person assembly using domestic tools
- No future rotting issues nor re-roofing dilemmas
- Excellent feedback received regarding quality/price
- Unable to screw into resin walls – Consider stand-alone shelving
- Imperative the shed stands on the advised foundations
- Anchor these sheds down for increased stability
Inspect The Opposition:
Competition is getting stronger as time passes by. Many of us including ourselves are searching for a low maintenance solution where sheds are concerned.
Shed Sizes: visually lays out all sheds reviewed on this website stepped up in size order.
Here’s a few competing around 6 x 6 ft dimensions:
Cascade’s idyllic presentation:
Grosfillex wondrous PVC construction:
Lifetime’s spotless finish:
Oakland’s grand appearance:
Final Opinion
Competitively priced and good quality sums this range up in a nutshell.
A small to average shed size exhibiting fair style with neutral accents to complement most garden locations whilst delivering excellent serviceability, catering for a multitudinous amount of outdoor stuff.
Protection of storage, imperishability, low maintenance and great value combine #1 priority, a service this shed embraces. It’s a popular choice and a universal bestseller.
Thanks for dropping by to inspect Factor’s 6 x 6.
If you have any related small-mid shed queries, please share below. Happy to assist where I can.
Many thanks,
Please share this 6 x 6 facility. Thank you!
OMG! These are awesome sheds and so many uses. I love the clean look and they are super steady. Thank you for sharing – will save this article
Hey Steven, glad you found Factor’s shed manufacture appeases your style.
Factor’s cut down on the sparkly finishes most manufacturers include to enhance their designs in order to remain inexpensive and extremely competitive, the reasons they have stamped their mark as one of the most dominant shed ranges world-wide.
Therefore they are pretty basic but comprise similar ingredients within their resin manufacture to ensure weather-resistance to which UV protected polyethylene assures due to being non-reactive to weather forces from red hot sunshine, heavy winter snowfalls, driving rain or stood long term in damp conditions, remaining immune from depreciation.
Yeah, the clean looks can soon be refreshed with either a soapy scrub, pressure-wash or simply the hosepipe to which we operate with the shower adaptor connected. Cleaning’s swift nor are they subject to annual preservation coats of paint.
Thanks again for commenting Steven,
Hello. I find the plastic sheds very interesting. I have seen sheds like these before but they were not this nice looking. These also seem to be a much better quality. I did have a couple questions however. I live in upper New York and the winters here can be severe. the temperatures have been 20 to 30 degrees bellow zero for months at a time. Does this kind of environment have any negative effects on the plastic construction? Does it make it brittle or fragile in any way? Also the ground lifts in a random way because of the frost in the ground. Is there a different foundation plan for this kind of ground frost? As I said, I’m interested in these sheds and I want to make sure I install one correctly so I don’t damage it during installation. Thanks for the details in your article. I will be revisiting your site again.
Hi Matendi,
Thanks for your valid question regarding the robustness of today’s plastic shed manufactures.
We live in the UK, so we’re not too concerned about extreme temperatures either way. We have cold winters which plunge down to around the zero mark and warm summers now and again but nothing too severe however we get flooded with rainfall to which this style of make-up survives.
Whether the composition is like Keter’s polypropylene or Lifetime’s polyethylene there has been many technical advancements regarding protective elements added to resin mixes improving their sturdiness, impermeability, resistance to decay and UV protection to prevent colour fade and cracking issues from sunburn attack.
I am sure most manufacturers have their composition built to survive severe sub-zero temperatures yet in my view every composition has a limit before their demise in structure kicks in. Once you have chosen your preferred model, I would send a quick email to the manufacturer and express your concerns to double check – They will provide honest answers.
What inspired our initial decision regarding the questionable sturdiness of a resin manufacture related to the robustness of wheelie trash bins and how they survive refuse days been thrown about, although scratched due to rough handling ours is still standing perfect 10 years on. Maybe you can compare your trash bins with how they have coped under the duress of freezing winters if the’re made of a similar resin material to which these sheds are. It’s a great comparison.
Regarding foundations, it’s pivotal you have a solid base of either wood, concrete or paving that’s laid perfectly level and raised slightly above a floodplain level to prevent standing in a flood.
Adhering to these rules delivers a straightforward panel alignment during assembly, a finished perpendicular stance preventing leaning pressures, a flawless door swing and the ideal substrate for the floor to stand up to demanding stresses. The only other requirement is to anchor the shed down onto the ground to increase wind resistance levels.
Double check with the manufacturer is my advice,
Hope this helps Matendi and thanks again.
All I can say is wow!!!
The styles are all great and is exactly what I envision in my back yard.
I am certainly going to go through your site a little closer to help me make an informed decision.
Also need to check out the shipping and stuff since I am from Canada.
However if all works in my favor you just may have a customer.
Hi Dale,
Thanks for calling in to read about Factor’s 6 x 6 storage shed.
Overtime this website has delivered a steam of reviews on various shed ranges, all constituting a low maintenance makeup putting an end to conservation duties and replacing with a straightforward clean. We generally just hose shower ours down once in a while, mainly through the summer months to bring back the new look.
Factor sheds deliver a stylish design, sturdy build quality with prices hugely competitive, hence their global sales however they purposely refrain from finishing off with the stylish features many of the new entrants have introduced like stainless steel locking systems etc to maintain their dominance, budget is Factor’s top priority.
I only link visitors to USA and UK prices currently however you can always send a message to one of the suppliers in the USA to find out whether they ship to Canada, many companies offer international shipping.
Thanks again Dale, keep visiting to check out new reviews,
These are some great looking sheds. I’m currently looking to replace an old wooden shed that is falling apart. I tried to keep it in good condition but inevitably it has started to corrode. I have seen some other plastic sheds on the market that just look like boxes and wouldn’t be very appealing in the garden. But these sheds are very attractive and with such little maintenance required it’s a win-win.
Thanks you for the very informative review.
Hi Stu,
A dilapidated wooden shed falling apart with wood rot is what spurred us on to look for an alternative solution. Rather than spend hot sunny days conserving decaying wood we now spray-hose the facade down once in a while to replenish the shine, leaving frustrations well behind closed doors.
There are some stunning new-age resin shed designs entering onto the market recently, believe it or not these Factors look fairly bland compared however they are extremely competitively priced and fit most peoples budgets hence their global sales and fab reviews Here’s some of the attractive new entrants:
What Factor sheds have done regarding their design however is move away from that cheesy plastic glossy look, rather a stylish dull beige facade molded with a semblance of textured wood grain exhibits their attraction and like you say, low-maintenance trumpets out their benefits.
Good look with your garden shed decision Stu and thanks again,
Hi –
Interesting article! I am interested in the windows. They look like they are opaque, not see-through? I would think that it would be nice to have clear windows. Do these Keter sheds come this way?
But I guess this raises security concerns – the added visibility might make your shed a target for thieves.
The reason I ask is that I would like to have one of these sheds for use as a potting shed, and it would be more pleasant to look out at the garden while inside.
Is there shelving available?
Hi Susan, Thanks for calling in and reading about Factor’s 6 x 6 storage shed.
Great question regarding the windows looking opaque, I too thought the newer models may have changed until I came across a frontal view and noticed they are very similar to the older model to which we have. I have placed a close-up window image within the post for you to take a look at. Our shed window looks very similar to this and the image with the lady hosing the shed down.
Our Factor windows are not opaque, along with the full length translucent skylight strip embedded within the roof ridge they let plenty of daylight into the interior, just as Keter describe. The window can be installed on either side to suit garden locations however they do not open, they are fixed.
Prior to purchase I would ask the supplier whether the newer models windows are opaque or clear, updates do change overtime.
This shed is supplied with 2 shelves and shelf supports that secure into the framework. We and many other shed purchasers install stand-alone shelving too as you can store weighty items up towards the ceiling this way, it’s surprising how much gardening gear is able to accommodate with free standing shelves. This is a great sized shed for potting services.
Hope this helps Susan, thanks again for stopping by,
Jeannie Brickley
I love these sheds. They have a really nice appearance and they seem to be very easy to take care of and durable too. I love the idea of just hosing them down.
Do these come with a floor; or do you have to build or pour a concrete one?
I have been thinking about buying a shed like these; but I see you don’t ship to the USA.
Great post. Wonderful sheds.
Hi Jeannie,
Thanks for stopping by and reading about this 6×6 Factor Shed.
I must admit, the effortless pressure wash down is what captured my attention initially. Our last wooden facility required yearly maintenance and became quite a headache. Glad to have got shut of those hassles.
The floors are built-in. It’s a thickset heavy-duty resin bed that joins to the walls. To accomplish the floors hard wearing credentials it’s imperative resin sheds are built on solid level foundations. Either wood or concrete are ideal, just make sure it’s level.
The reason they have to be level is that it aids assembly due to the panels aligning plumb.
Here’s the USA link to prices, the first link titled Keter Factor Sheds – USA:
Not all sizes are available all the time however I have seen the whole set of Factor sheds appear here. 6 sheds make up the Factor range starting from 6×3 ft up to 8×11 ft. Depends upon the size which suits your circumstances.
Hope this helps Jeannie. Thanks again. Good luck with your decision,
Very pleasantly appealing to the eye, if I must say so myself! I like how you’ve listed all the uses for this shed. A place to store your bikes, scooters, and other things that might otherwise be in your garage, make the Keter Factor 6 x 6 Shed a very worthwhile investment. I really like the colors on this shed and the addition of a window is simply perfect. Would you consider the 6 x 6 shed to be a small, medium, or large size for a shed? Thanks!
Hi Peter,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
The Keter Factor 6×6 is a very popular shed because it fits so many uses from gardening equipment, bikes, a potting shed and this is a great size for use as a mobility scooter shed. This is a medium facility so where space maybe tight this size usually fits the bill.
Yeah, the window does provide plenty of natural light to enter along with the skylight up in the apex and does give the shed some character. Another benefit is the air vents which are built-in as these allow fresh air to circulate around inside.
So, if you fancy a garage clearout, it’s worth considering.
Thanks again Peter and happy hunting,
Hello, you have a nice clean site. I really didn’t think much about resin sheds because we have always had a wood one. You really got me thinking about what is available in pre-fabs. I think you made good use of images, I got a great idea of the styles. I would love the one with the skylight for a garden shed. Thank you for providing comparative price information, that helps with comparisons between different units. Nice site.
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for stopping by and reading.
No-one will dispute a quality wooden shed with their style of tradition, an appearance we all adore, yet there only problem is the upkeep duties they require and today people are looking for alternatives as they don’t want the fuss,hassle and time associated with their maintenance.
There’s a whole variety of styles regarding plastic sheds with budgets to match, it’s just a matter of choosing the one you like the look of most, the size you can accommodate and the money you’re wishing to spend.
They’re a really good alternative if you wish to go down the low maintenance route .
Thanks again Michelle,
Carlton Gonder
Purchased this shed sight inconspicuous and didn’t comprehend what’s in store. It appeared on time in two major boxes. I (36 year old male) could unpack it and move it to the zone of my yard for introduce. There were a considerable measure of parts, however I completed it in around 3 hours, alone. The shed is very steady once finished. I did shim the front left around 1/4 crawl to adjust the entryways, yet that was the main alteration on my part. The main thing I’ve seen in the week it has been up is that the floor appears to pack under my weight. I can really feel it twist. I weigh 160 so I know it’s not me. It has a feeling that it will keep going quite a while however and would prescribe it to anybody. I’ll upgrade after the winter climate.
Hi Carlton,
Hi Carlton ,
Thanks for calling in and leaving your message.
I understand what you mean when you say a considerable number of parts. This is why I and so many other shed owners reiterate the top-tip, to get all the parts out and placed in order by scanning through the instruction steps. It really does make the assembly a lot smoother. Also a power screwdriver set on a low torque setting is a huge time saving advantage rather than screwing all the screws in manually.
The #1 priority for all plastic / resin sheds is to prepare solid level foundations for the shed to sit on. Not only will this improve and quicken the assembly due to all the panels lining up correctly it will provide longevity and use of a hard-wearing floor. The floor will serve as hard wearing if the foundations are solid and level, this can’t be emphasised enough.
There should be no reason why this shed won’t last years and years as resin doesn’t deteriorate, leaving the only maintenance duties as a quick wash down every now and again.
I’m so happy you are pleased with your choice of this 6×6 shed and you recommend it to anybody – Great news.
Thanks again Carlton for your message,
I got a plastic 6 X 6 storage shed for my yard tools. It went together quickly and has been a perfect solution for me. It is essential to assemble it on flat ground, so depending on your terrain, that might be an issue.
The truth is, I don’t even think about my little plastic shed until I need a tool. The color and design blend well with my yard too. It’s a simple, affordable and attractive storage solution.
Hi Gary,
Thanks for taking your time to read and comment.
You are so right about a solid level surface, it’s imperative for any plastic shed to have these foundations in place. This will lead to the longevity of the shed as far as the hard wearing floor is concerned and it’s stature but aligning the shed during assembly is a dream if you conform to these simple rules.
Designs have really moved on this past few years, the reason they’re becoming ever so popular. Most people do not have time for all the maintenance work wooden sheds require.
I have just written a post on the new Keter Oakland shed, this is such a strong, robust yet stylish shed albeit a more expensive than these Factor sheds yet it does show how designs are evolving.
These Factor sheds are very competitively priced, reason they are a Global best seller.
Thanks again Gary,