6×8 Plastic Sheds – Easy To Clean

Suncast’s Everett range introduces the modernistic approach for accommodating outdoor storage. They’re easygoing to maintain a spotless appearance, straightforward to assemble and take the hassle out of summer living.

Everett 6 x 8 ft

Everett 6 x 8 ft

If you’re exploring the 6×8 plastic sheds market with desires for a leisurely hose-down for maintenance rather than suffering the inconvenience rotting wood entails, take an inspection of the features Suncast offer with their new-age range of Everett outdoor storage solutions.

We escaped the recurring implications of wooden sheds maintenance and entered into the durable world of resin a while back. Ditching the annual varnishing duty while escaping conservation issues demanded by decaying wood not forgetting the occasional roofing-felt switch has been a real time-saver for our concerns.

Everett’s are topped off with appealing shingle style roof sheets meanwhile their encasement of fashionable looking sandy fascia panels integrate modishly with the chocolate coloured entrance. Their advantage however relates to a polypropylene make-up, it’s weather-resistant from top-to-toe providing the escape to maintenance.

3 sheds make up the Everett family, the assortment commences with a slimline 3 footer that ideally stations adjacent to a house wall further to the medium sized facility stretching 6 x 5 feet. This 8 ft model represents the big brother nevertheless all sheds look identical from the front and comprise corresponding 6 feet widths across their entryway, merely their depths expand up the range.

Shed Ranges presents Everett’s competition of low maintenance resin sheds.

Manufacturer:  Suncast

Model: BMS 6810

More-Info:  Suncast Channel

Size:  6 ft x 8 ft

Verdict:  Super Feedback

Colour:  Sandy/Chocolate

Features Capturing Attention

The features captivating interest regards the way Everett’s stylish molding methods produce an attractive modernistic display meanwhile accompanying their aesthetic presence, the composition’s entirely decay-resistant delivering a sidestep to repeatable conserving.

The high pitched roof generates efficient & prompt rainwater drainage, twin lockable doors provide deterrent & simplify access, skylights in the roof plus windows in the doors escape the predicament of rummaging around in the dark whilst a throughput of fresh air continually circulates the interior in order to eradicate the progression of sweaty atmospheres.

Accompanying the advantage of the air-vents, a built in floor serves the purpose of maintaining a clean environment whereby both aid to preserve storage however Suncast floors are purposely toughened making them resilient to strenuous storage pressures.

Overall, installation is designed straightforward however once constructed the #1 priority we’re all searching for nowadays regards outdoor storage protection to which Everett’s durable resin manufacture delivers.

Feedback’s Pretty Impressive

‘Great Shed’ – ‘Perfect for us’ – ‘Solid storage shed’ – ‘Best shed ever’ represent the waves of positive headlines expressed through reviews.

The features detailed above are expressed to high regard further to Everett’s charming presentation along with how quick the relaxed hosing down duty takes to fetch back the pristine appearance, a huge contrast when comparing our previous hut’s ongoing wood-rot dilemmas.

However there’s always a slight crux and according to reviews the instructions should be presented a lot clearer. Sounds like a re-design would advantageous in putting to an end a few frustrations, many find the odd assembly section somewhat confusing however once built floods of positivity shine through.

We were slightly taken aback on delivery of our chosen resin shed, the instructions stipulate solid level foundations must be prepared for the shed to sit on yet non of the websites selling these sheds specified this in their advertisement.

We were delayed for a week whilst preparing the correct foundations. Conforming to the rules becomes apparent once construction gets underway. These shed are tall therefore if your out of sync on the base the lining up procedure becomes exaggerated once you reach the roof. So glad we payed attention here.

Seriously – to sum up, those who conform to the precise base preparations find all the panels line up at ease for a speedy efficient build therefore they provide excellent feedback however those who disregard this stipulation usually grapple with assembly headaches.

Video – The Everett Collection


Sturdy Features & Multi-Layered Fascia Sheets

We turned our attention away from insubstantial single walled constructions in fear of dented appearances ruining the outlook and decided upon a more robust multi-layered skin in order to avoid unsightly presentations, similar to Everett’s makeup.

Composed of an inner ribbed layer braces the external side to overcome dents and deliver enhanced robustness. Once constructed, the finished result regards a shed as sturdy as it is stylish. The dual walled resin sheets interlock with each other securing to the roof’s metal framework that’s further bolstered through additional supports virtue of a metal truss system increasing strength and stability to the overall structure.

The double door entrance includes stylish yet strong metal hardware resulting in a quality finish and entryway however once inside there’s no scrimping on the built-in floor, it’s fortified through a thick resin manufacture designed for tractor support and utilising strenuous storage pressures.

Ultra Low-Maintenance Facade Panels

Everett’s attractive fascia arrives in sheet form whereby construction entails interlinking adjacent wall panels together whilst interlocking them with the floor further to securing with purposely designed resin screws delivering the internals true enclosure from outside virtue of the built-in base.

The manufacturing procedure regards blow molding polypropylene into double lined walls containing a sequence of internal resin ridges for sturdiness meanwhile the exterior side is where a resemblance to wood panelling is created containing intricate wood-grain details presented in a subtle sandy warm shade that two-tones neutrally against the chocolate coloured doors.

Critical UV inhibitors mix within the polypropylene in order to armour the composition to withstand sun-rays cracking and discolouring the facade panels, a particular dilemma unprotected resin is rather prone to when subject to the force of sunburn.

Polypropylene doesn’t rot nor rust on account of it’s long-term immunity from weather decay therefore never necessitates painting or varnishing with wood-stain, it’s not designed for preserving this way however encouragingly it is completely recyclable.

Maintaining installation day’s appearance is simply restored by an occasional wash, an operation we clip the shower adaptor onto the hosepipe to carry out, others pressure-wash whereas many use a soft sweeping brush dipped into a bucket of warm water containing a splash of detergent. They’re effortless, leisurely & quick to clean, best described as stress-free.

Everett’s Sturdy Weatherproof Topping

Presuming considerations are for an apex structure, Suncast have designed the most effective high pitched roofs for their Everett range, angled for rainwater to flow off immediately upon impact.

The blessings of a steep roof pitch along with excellent drainage ascertains no holding places are present for rainwater to puddle meanwhile headroom inside is increased enabling you to walk around without crouching over nor a knock to the noggin.  Although a structural beam spans the apex internally, it’s over 6 feet high generating oceans of additional space up in the rafters.

Another positive concerns the prevention of rainwater seeping in at the wall-to-roof connection, overcome by the creation of eaves due to the generous overlap the roof has with the walls.

Everett’s roof manufacture constitutes impervious polypropylene, styled into an attractive slate effect topping. Comprising a similar configuration to the walls, the resin sheets are molded into a double walled construction providing sturdiness and secured around a metal framework that’s further under-girded by steel trusses providing additional strength for snowier times.

Due to the imperishable weather-resistant advantages of polypropylene, there’ll be no future re-roofing involved – resin’s unsusceptible to rot.

Built-In Floors deliver the Advantage

A particular aspect diverting our attention towards the quality plastic variety of storehouses relates to their built-in floors, an uncommon feature found on metal sheds unless you opt for Asgard’s strong steel variety. Initially we didn’t want to deal with rainwater puddling inside the shed.

We’re pleased to bits with the clean internal atmosphere delivered by this integrated feature, storage keeps clean due to the wall-floor interlock preventing the admittance of outside debris and critters sweeping & crawling their way through.

Everett’s flooring regards a manufacture of thickened sheets of heavy duty resin, reinforced to endure the storing of weighty items and wheeling in heavy duty equipment like lawnmowers.

The floor sheets interlink during constructing the shed base whilst the walls simultaneously interlock with the floor’s edge creating an enclosed unit. It’s recommended that the shed is anchored down onto the foundations for protection against the storms.

It’s worth noting that the endurance capabilities of the hard-wearing floor will only suffice if the shed sits on a solid level substrate, it’s purposely designed to be tough and will serve this way if the base rules are adhered to.

Inside, A Pleasant Environment Unfolds

6 x 8 feet generates quite a sizeable internal storage capacity, capable for a multitude of storage purposes including a deluxe potting shed or perhaps a garage of distinction for the mobility scooter.

Other popular uses regard storing gardening equipment & tools, barbecue paraphernalia, parking bikes & lawnmowers, patio seating & accessories and due to the wide double door access, this generates one quick tidy-up for the kids toys.

Internally the dimensions span 45 sq/feet however include the height and there’s approximately 306 cu/ft storage capacity.

Although additional accessories for hanging and shelving can be purchased separately consider the option of installing free standing shelves banked down one side or at the back. This enables using the generous height for a whole plethora of storage possibilities.

Installing stand-alone shelving is something we and many others have done to increase storage options further.

Daylight basks the interior through the roof-skylights and door-windows meanwhile a fresh internal environment is distributed by the air vents positioned opposite one-another front & back, attaining a fresh air current to circulate around inside.

Albeit we’re from the UK, we never find sweaty atmospheres develop saturated internals, rather a fresh ambience that preserves storage.

Extensive – Easygoing Access

Access becomes wide-ranging once Everett’s doors open ajar, they’re 6 ft in height and span the near width of the shed aiding carrying in large storage items & wheeling in the bulky lawnmower.

The doors are manufactured from weather-resistant polypropylene whereby the molding method produces a dual walled composition containing an artistic semblance of wood panelling comprising a wood grain effect presented in divine chocolate shade further to incorporating 8 square windows per door for the purpose of entering natural light, .

Easy grip handles provide a quality entrance whereby a built-in clasp designed for a padlock enables securing the shed.

2 metal latches situated top & bottom of the internal left hand door enables a safety closure during windy weather meanwhile this position is required for the right door to close against prior to locking up.

Three sturdy steel hinges function each door’s swing resulting in a quality opening and closure.

Everett 6 x 8 ft Shed Measurements

Straightforward Shed Installation Method

We decided to obey the plastic sheds base stipulations and prepare solid level foundations for our shed’s placement. Concrete, wood-deck boards or existing paving, tarmac or asphalt provide ideal footings, making sure they’re perfectly level.

You find the panels align with ease and this really does aid construction plus the floor serves just as the brochure says, heavy duty thereby increasing its longevity for demanding storage pressures.

2 people are required to build Everett sheds, one holds the panels in situ whilst the other secures. Suncast have developed an easy-bolt system whereby they provide an easy bolt hex tool driver for driving in the resin screws after interlinking the panels.

We took the advisable measure of reading through the instructions the week before assembly took place to become acquainted with the build. Throughout that week we installed the hardware on the doors and windows in order to quicken the process come assembly day.

Assembly rolled like clockwork, we seemed quite organised. Construction always takes longer for us novice DIYers to construct to what the manufacturers predict but who cares, do a great job and enjoy the build.

Once completed we purchased some anchor bolts to permanently ground the shed for stability against the gales.

Download instructions here:

Highlights & Thoughts to Consider


  • Attractive modern styling presented in sandy shade
  • Neutral colours & chocolate doors compliment landscapes
  • Low maintenance, Everett’s merely require a wash
  • Polypropylene is immune from rot & corrosion
  • Long-term weather-resistant and durable
  • UV inhibitors armour the composition with sunburn protection
  • Sturdy overall construction of multi-layered panels
  • High angled roof-pitch assures instant drainage
  • Lofty internals are reciprocated from the steepness of the roof
  • Wide access double door entry system
  • Quality finishes all round
  • Toughed built-in floor survives storage tensions
  • Floor integration keeps the interior clean
  • 3 skylights + door windows enter natural daylight
  • Air vents generate a preserved fresh environment
  • Double-wall facade make-up resists denting
  • Straightforward 2 person assembly
  • Easy to wash & keep clean
  • 10 years Everett warranty assurance

Thoughts to Consider

  • Imperative the base is solid and level
  • Anchor Everett storehouses rigidly down onto solid foundations
  • Shelving are additional accessories. Consider free standing shelves
  • Instructions could be improved

Everett 6 x 8 ft competition

Competition is becoming pretty severe where plastic sheds are concerned, many are opting to choose the low maintenance route in order to escape the upkeep hassles of wooden sheds.

Shed Sizes presents Everett’s competition. Scroll down to these approximate 6 x 8 feet dimensions to see the competition, suchlike these examples:

Factors 8 ft width by 6 ft depth

Cascade’s 7 ft square prettiness

Oakland’s 7 ft rustic appearance

Super-Stylish & Weather-Resistant

Feedback comes across very well, hopefully Suncast will improve the instructions to make every step clearer meanwhile stipulations regarding foundations have been explained, these are imperative to abide by.

Everett’s are modishly stylish bonny sheds that exhibit a sandy/chocolate presentation.

Their main advantage is held within the polypropylene manufacture. Weather-resistant, durable and effortless to clean regards the huge attraction meanwhile an easy assembly constructs into a sturdy structure, designed to protect outdoor storage.

Another popular model by Suncast.

Thanks for reading about Everett’s 6×8 plastic sheds.

Please share your favourite 6 x 8 footer below along with any queries you may have.

Until the next article,


Please share Everett’s 8 footer. Thank you.

View Comments (6)

  • Ted Beach says:

    I can't find the 6x8 sheds anywhere. Are they just out of stock or are they discontinued or are they seasonal.

    Thanks Ted

    • Hi Ted, thanks for visiting.
      The best thing you can do is contact the seller and ask when they will be available. Failing that, try contacting Suncast and ask whether there is a supplier for this shed in your local area.
      We had the same issue on a shed we were interested in at the start of the pandemic - sellers seem to hold very little stock.
      Hope this helps,

  • Hi!

    I'm glad I found this post. We have an outdoor shed built with wood and zinc, and we sometimes have to go through the perils of replacing rotten wood and leaky zinc-sheet rooftops. I have one concern, though. Considering that I live in an area where it rains at least 6 months in a year--and I'm talking about heavy rainfall--I'm wondering whether a plastic shed would be our ultimate solution for outdoor storage.


    • Hi Princila,

      Thanks for calling in and reading.

      I've been through the hassle you've gone through with regards to maintenance issues on garden sheds, it can be a nightmare.

      I decided to have a complete change and opted for resin rather than wood due to the fact that resin is weather-resistant and waterproof. Resin doesn't rot, rust or decay and that's what caught our attention.

      We did have a look at metal sheds too but they seldom have built-in floors and I didn't fancy having problems with rainwater flooding the shed floor. Some metal sheds say build a wooden floor for the shed but that doesn't get rid of the rotting problems on the shed floor, so we opted to try plastic.

      There are loads of single walled plastic sheds but I had my worries whether they would stand up to adverse weather conditions so we decided on a dual walled version like this shed review.

      We live in the Uk and get wet weather most of the year including a lot of heavy rainfall and we've had no issues due to preparing the correct solid level foundation for the shed to sit on, this is imperative to the proper construction of the shed.

      If you take a look at the full selection of shed ranges in the top menu you will see the varying sizes of all quality plastic sheds within their ranges. Keter are huge in the Uk, lifetime and Suncast are very well established and extremely popular in the USA, most of the reviews on this website are hugely popular resinsheds.

      Hope this helps and good luck with your decision,


  • Thanks for putting this together, lots of great information! Great way to compare different sheds.

    I've got one question for you. It looks like most of the sheds are made of panels so do any of the larger (8x12 and up) sheds allow for adding a second door in the rear?

    • Hi,

      Thanks for calling in and reading, glad you like the website.

      Yeah, most of these sheds are 1 set of double doors however next week I shall be writing a review on a large Lifetime shed. This one is a dual entry system, a shed consisting of 2 sets of double doors. The size is 15 x 8 feet.

      Call back in towards the middle to end of next week and hopefully I will have created the review, it will be displayed towards the top of the home page.

      Hope this helps and thanks again,
