8×8 Storage Sheds – Plastic Garden Storage

Scouring through 8 x 8 storage sheds with ambitions to move away from the yearly upkeep duties wooden structures involve, consider walking down the weatherproof plastic garden storage avenue and make summer living hassle free.

8x8 Storage ShedsWe took this stroll after constantly dealing with decaying problems subject to our last wooden facility thereupon entered into resin’s world of convenience, relishing the prospect of a quick wash down rather than constant maintenance issues we’d previously encountered.

We were quite taken aback with the quality of choice. Technical advances have now evolved to produce resin structures super durable and rot-resistant as a result of their weatherproof make-up meanwhile harboring an efficient cleaning surface that swiftly rejuvenates back the gleam, operated by a quick pressure-hose down. Maintenance evolves into a dream.

If you’re searching around 8 x 8 ft dimensions and have decided on resin over wood & metal, scrutinise Factor’s 8 x 8 feet storehouse. Manufactured by Keter, it fits most budgets and has accomplished universal sales, results speak volumes.

Factor 8 x 8 ft

This competitively priced 8 square-footer exhibits the accents of beige & taupe tones comprising a textured-grain finish, resembling wood.

Constructed with a decent height aids movement around inside, adequately voluminous for accommodating an excessive amount of outdoor gear whereupon a simple hose down maintains its spotless appearance. A modish yet sturdy shed, designed to stand proud in any garden.

Six sheds complete Factor’s family commencing with 6 x 3 feet dimensions enlarging up to Factor’s big daddy, spanning 8 feet across the breadth accompanied by an 11 ft length.

This facility regards the second down from the top, sandwiched between the smaller 8 by 6 feet model and the largest family member, Factor’s 8 by 11 footer.

Shed Ranges: displays competing low-maintenance storehouse ranges.

Factor 8 x 8 ft Shed

Manufacturer: Keter

Model: Factor 8 x 8

Website: keter.com

Size: 8 ft x 8 ft

Verdict: Competitively priced

Colour:  Beige / Taupe

View Factor 8 x 8 ft Shed Prices

Composed to Endure Weather-Assault

On account of the considerable capacity, it’s important the build quality survives what the weather’s going to throw, be it wind, rain or snow. Therefore, instead of a flimsy skinned manufacture Keter have upped the game, developing chunky resin wall sheets that deliver rather a robust structure, able to withstand knocks and escape the unattractive appearance dents display.

Stylish Wood-Grain Textured Finish

Stylish Wood-Grain Textured Finish

The composition regards polypropylene, tinted to produce a neutral dull beige appearance overcoming that cheesy glossy look. Adding style to the finish, the molding process creates the resin into thick sheet formation containing intricate details of coarse grain embodied throughout the surface, accomplishing a wood-alike semblance comprising horizontal panelling to the overall structure.

The wall sheets interlock within the floor’s edge encasing the facility meantime interlink with adjoining panels during construction and secure to the metal framework with screws, embracing rigidity. In order to enhance daylight illumination inside, installation of the window can be incorporated into either side.

Eco-green polypropylene is 100% recyclable, furthermore technical advances have now developed a method in combating the harsh effects of sunburn damage whereupon fractures and a bleaching appearance develops, resolved by stabilising the polypropylene with UV protection in the initial stages of the mix.

It’s worth pointing out, hold back from heavy storage leaning their full weight against the shed walls, there is a limit to their strength, if exceeded can result in the walls bulging. Many use stand-alone shelving to counteract this problem, a tip we picked up.

To maintain their competitive edge, Keter refrain from furnishing Factors with superior quality finishes suchlike stainless steel locking systems and ultra-fashionable 3D slate-effect roofs etc, however this range passionately supports environmentally friendly concerns meanwhile exceeds in assuring weather-resistance, durability and sturdiness.

View Factor 8 x 8 ft Shed Prices

Keter Factor 8x8

Video – Examine the Features 

Capped with an Apex Assures Prompt Drainage

Factor’s roof panels are secured onto a metal apex infrastructure however due to the 8 feet width expansion it’s imperative a strengthened structure further bolsters the top providing supplementary support for heavy snowfall and to stand up against adverse weather conditions, attributed through a steel truss system spanning the apex internally.

The roof panels constitute a dense durable polypropylene manufacture delivering defence against weather attack meanwhile harboring weatherproof credentials to endure damp settings. Devoid of being susceptible to deterioration through decay is critical for the shed’s lifespan and storage protection.

The majorities favoured roof style regards an apex structure, all Factors cap their sheds off with this design. The high pitch delivers quick drainage, eliminates the occurrence of rainwater puddling meanwhile benefits by an adequate overhang of the walls ensuring the seepage of rainfall gaining entry at the top of the facade is avoided, determined by the walls underneath abutment.

Factor’s roof makeup is imperishable and escapes future re-roofing projects, contrary to roofing felt’s inability to survive the damp thereby inevitably succumbing to decay. Despite these problems, once re-felting gets underway frustrations again set in, trying to fasten new felt onto rotten surrounding wood.

Factor Sheds Steel Supports Reinforce The Roof Structure

Factor Sheds Steel Supports Reinforce The Roof Structure

Integrated Floor Maintains a Clean Environment

Factor floors comprise of polypropylene resin. Shaded black and molded into thick bodied sheets they interlink with each other making up the base area meanwhile their interlocking method with the walls eradicates crevices thereby forms enclosure to the outside environment.

Advantages unfold resulting from the wall-to-floor’s interlocking mechanism. Establishing a no-entry route against outside debris blowing inside down at the base perimeter, aids to maintain a puddle-free floor by preventing rainfall entry meanwhile leaves no gaps for pests to crawl through looking for shelter.

Keter Factor 8x8 floor

Factor’s Hard Wearing Floor

The perdurable base sheets have a make-up inclusive of supplementary toughening producing a hard wearing surface able to survive the stresses driving in a sit-on-mower and storing weighty items entails however this muscular advantage will only meet the criteria if the shed locates on solid flat ground, imperative to take note as this does increase long-term survival rates.

Unlike a wooden structure’s demise through weather attack, strengthened polypropylene delivers the endurance factor. Acclimatising to diverse weather changes from red hot sunshine to damp conditions, polypropylene resists structural alteration therefore withstands disintegrating.

Providing stability thereby increasing wind resistance levels is determined by firmly anchoring the base down through the anchor positions embedded within the floor. The type of anchor bolts are conditional to whether a wood or concrete material constitutes the foundations.

Easy Access - Spacious Internally

Easy Access – Spacious Internally

Voluminous Storage Accommodation

An 8 by 8 feet area equates to 64 square feet of spacious storage room. Add this to Factor’s abundant 2 metre+ internal headroom height, there’ll be no banging your head moving around inside nor any hemmed in type of feeling either due to the window and translucent skylight strip embedded within the apex ridge basking plenty of daylight.

Air Vents incorporated above the doors duplicate their position at the rear generating a circulation of fresh air to the interior creating a crisp ambience, preserving storage meanwhile eradicating plastics sweaty atmosphere, a positive feature.

Whether storage desires are: for a ride-on-mower, patio seating & accessories, BBQ equipment, all those gardening tools & supplies, a place to park bikes or mobility scooter storage etc, these dimensions comfortably cater meanwhile the generous height paves the way for storing long handled implements & extendable ladders. Maybe a huge potting shed is on the agenda, this unit can accommodate.

The grand internal size inclusive of wide double door access enables the quickest of tidy-ups concerning kids toys scattering the garden.

The problem with resin walls is their inability to screw into to support shelving. Consider the free-standing variety, these are really advantageous in accommodating weighty gear in tiered fashion. This is something we and many others have opted to install. Included with this shed however are two shelves with shelf supports, ideal for storing light items.

Keter Factor 8 x 8 ft

Wide Double Doors Deliver Superb Access

Wide double doors provide super accessibility into Factor sheds generating ease in wheeling in weighty equipment and storing heavy items. The arched featured top extends entrance height a tad preventing bending over during access meantime enhancing character to their design.

The doors constitute the same weatherproof polypropylene qualities the facade and roof possess albeit shaded in taupe delivering a stylish contrast against the beige walls and molded to represent a wooden door containing intricate details of textured grain embedded within the surface.

Two sturdy handles simplify the opening and closure mechanism, internal left-door through-bolt latches maintains a closed position meanwhile an exterior padlock-clasp shuts both doors and enables locking-up to secure, thereby serving as a deterrent.

Factor 8 x 8 Measurements

Keter Factor 8x8 Measurements

Keter Factor 8x8 Measurements

Near to Zero Maintenance!

The minimalist maintenance duty where Factors are concerned entails a quick hose down when the grime appears to replenish the shine, a 2 minutes job I’ve come to rather enjoy on a summer’s evening.

Connecting a shower adaptor to the hosepipe describes our preferred method, by far the most popular operation regards a pressure-wash once a year meanwhile a soft brush dipped in warm water containing the usual detergent or maybe the favoured white vinegar addition delivers the solution to shift any ingrained dirt and stubborn marks. Refrain from using abrasive cleaners like wire-wool to avoid scratching the surface.

Factor’s trumpet out their virtually maintenance-free benefits: No more re-roofing projects, no more rotting, peeling or rusting issues to deal with, providing an escape route to re-painting and re-varnishing conservation jobs, leaving time to enjoy the garden instead of future years being held ransom to sorting decay problems.

Maintenance Duties of the Keter Factor 8 x 8 ft Shed

Basic Stepped-Out Shed Assembly

The Factor range have undergone a design update concerning their resin panels clip into place method. According to recent feedback, many are finding this range a lot easier to assemble than the predecessor. Mind you, that was straightforward enough. Great news nevertheless.

The shed arrives flat packed requiring assembly, a procedure entailing working through the order of construction steps, implementing what’s shown. House-hold tools along with two people construct meanwhile a step ladder and room around the shed’s parameter is necessary for securing the roof.

Here’s a few tips we picked up:

Although the popular method is to use an automatic driver owing to the mountain of screws, make sure the torque is set to low thereby preventing damages to the screw-threads. Refrain from building on a windy day as this can make aligning the panels rather difficult. Keep the panels in the shade prior to fitting if subject to red hot sun, this prevents expansion.

We took advice and laid all the parts out in order to the step by step instructions, being organised really does quicken the build. Assembly is just a case of working your way through the step by step illustrations, completing each task.

PDF of the instructions:

Assembly: Keter Factor 8x8 Shed

The key to a flawless construction entails the preparation of solid level foundations suchlike wood decking, paving, asphalt or concrete laid slightly above ground level to prevent the shed standing in a flood. It’s a shame most sales sites fail to mention the foundation importance.

Solid level foundations are essential for the following reasons:

  • A straightforward assembly is accomplished from a level base due to the panels aligning with ease, especially 8 ft up securing the roof sheets.
  • Level footings deliver a vertical stance eliminating leaning pressures to one side determined by the roof weight applying equilibrium force.
  • Door alignment & swing becomes true due to a level base delivering the architrave a plumb vertical stance.
  • Resin floors require flat solidity to survive long-term challenging pressures endured by weighty equipment.

The advisory measure once constructed is to ascertain rigorous anchorage is accomplished with the substrate.

Keter Factor 8ft x 8ft Shed

Positive and Negative Points


  • Sidestepping a shiny finish presents Factors with stylish charm
  • Very competitively priced
  • Low-maintenance
  • Spacious footprint accommodates plenty of storage
  • Window & skylight deliver daylight
  • Choice of sides to which the window is installed
  • Lofty internal headroom
  • Straightforward 2 person assembly
  • Robust and durable construction
  • Weather-resistant. No rust, rot or decay issues
  • UV guard resists cracking and fading
  • Built-in floor maintains a clean environment
  • Toughened floor survives challenging pressures
  • Air vents generate fresh air circulation
  • Effortless to keep clean
  • 10 years limited manufacturers warranty


  • A solid level surface is imperative
  • Screwing into plastic is not an option, consider free standing shelves
  • Ensure firm anchorage is accomplished

View Factor 8 x 8 ft Shed Prices

Keter Factor 8x8

Competition regarding an 8² Footprint

Competition is increasing & becoming quite intense, resin is the modern favoured alternative for those wishing to play no part in future maintenance.

Shed Sizes: displays & links every reviewed weatherproof shed organised in order of size suchlike this selection relative to 8² dimensions:

Keter Oakland 759

Oakland’s 9 ft silvery weathered charm:

Suncast Tremont 8 x 7 ft Shed

Tremont’s picturesque 8 footer:

Lifetime 6411 - 8x7.5ft Shed

Lifetime’s unblemished 8 ft expanse:

Keter Fusion 7.5 x 9 ft

The traditional wonders of Fusion sheds:

Keter Factor 8 x 8 ft

Factor’s 8 feet competitiveness 

Closing Remarks

Excellent value for money compared with quality trumpets out Keter’s stance with this world-wide best seller, furthermore delightful feedback relayed through reviews confirms the liking.

There are more attractive sheds inclusive of stylish quality finishing touches like handles, door locking mechanisms and classic roof creations etc but this demands increases in price. Factors competitive edge regards fitting most budgets. Compare prices, it all becomes apparent.

There’s one heck of a large square foot area of storage space especially if you consider the stand-alone shelving option, a good height for moving around inside, ventilation, a light and airy environment, easy access and a hard wearing floor.

Weather-resistance and durable at a competitive price meanwhile commanding respect for the easy-to-clean surface without future deterioration sets this range apart.

A good shed that’s low maintenance.

View Factor 8 x 8 ft Shed Prices

Factor 8x8 10 Year Warranty


Hope Factor’s 8 x 8 storage sheds have inspired.

Share your plastic garden storage favourites & ask questions below. Happy to help!

Wish you well,


Please share Factor’s 8 footer. Thank you!



  1. Peter Thorn

    couldn’t fit the shelf strengthening strips for my 8×8. they wouldn’t push through the shelf.

  2. Paul

    Hey Simon
    This review is so awesome. My wife is an avid gardener and me too and we are in great need of a shed as our gardening equipment and tools are taking over the garage, and I desperately need some storage space.
    The low maintenance is a huge factor for anyone and everyone.
    The designs are also quite attractive making it a very interesting package without the big price tag. I’ll need to speak with the boss she will be looking at this review when she gets home tonight
    Cheers mate

    • Simon

      Hi Paul,

      Thanks for your interest in Factor’s 8×8 storage sheds.

      In relation to clearing the home and garage from all the outdoor clobber and gardening gear etc, having a storehouse in the garden is such an underrated asset, works wonders for us. You certainly realise their potential once the shed’s loaded up and you have room to park the car in the garage.

      Like most people, we initially had the rotting wooden hut and decided to exchange for something immune from decay troubles. Having a surface that’s conveniently sprayed down with the garden hose puts the icing on the cake for us, they’re a doddle to clean.

      Don’t get me wrong, there are more attractive models out there but they do demand a higher price. Factor sheds on the other hand provide an inexpensive solution and are fairly stylish displaying their wood-alike facade exhibiting neutral beige tones in a non-glossy finish, designed to enhance any home-yard setting.

      Good luck with your shed choice Paul, hope the boss approves,


  3. Ciara

    Your review on Keter’s plastic storage sheds is very thorough and informative! I really like how easy they are to maintain, clean, as well as their weather-resistant attributes. These seem like the perfect storage shed for storing gardening tools and surfboards for the winter. What kind of foundation do you find is best for stability of these sheds if I were to assemble one? Thank you for sharing your expertise!

    • Simon

      Hi Clara,

      Thank you for calling in to investigate Factor 8 x 8 storage sheds.

      Yeah, this type of polypropylene composition is quite a cinch to maintain, virtue of a wash down sums their upkeep up really. Suits our convenience after re-coating hassles of varnish and replacements of felt roofs concerning our previous wooden hut. 

      We just click in the shower connector to the hose-pipe and spray the shed down in among watering the plants, a summer’s job for us. Most partake in a once-per-year pressure wash before summer season commences then leave till the following year. The stay-clean appearance obviously depends upon location and whether you’re surrounded by trees etc.

      With regards to the correct foundations, the crucial aspect relates to locating on solid level ground. There’s a wide choice of foundation materials such as concrete, asphalt, paving or wood decking to name the most popular for dimensions this size.

      Solidity delivers the ideal substrate for the floor to survive storage stresses and attain firm anchorage.

      Levelling provides a perpendicular stance where everything stands plumb and eases assembly through panel alignment furthermore as a result of accomplishing vertical architraves, the doors swing accordingly.

      Hope this helps Clara, thanks again for asking,


  4. MIck

    Very informative website on Plastic Storage Sheds. You have everything a customer is looking for in a Shed for the yard. You provide plenty of good content and visuals. You give the reader everything he needs to know in making a decision to buy a plastic shed. These quality sheds won’t break your bank account, which is great. Your pages show that there is a shed for all purposes with a great deal of variety in the categories you provide.

    • Simon

      Hi Mick,

      Thanks for calling in and reading about these Factor 8×8 storage sheds.

      You are right, Factor sheds are very competitive when comparing against the likes of Lifetime, Suncast, Oakland and Fusions sheds etc.

      They are designed to fit most budgets hence lacking on some quality finishing touches other manufacturers include yet this is purposely done to remain extremely competitive however the sturdy build quality and weatherproof design are all in place for low maintenance and long term storage protection.

      Within all the reviews I like to include links to competing sheds of a similar size as this website has no allegiance to any particular brand. We review all quality plastic sheds, horizontal sheds and deck boxes with the main emphasis being – low maintenance storage solutions with a quality construction.

      Thanks again Mick for getting in touch. Good luck with your garden shed decision,


  5. Murray Lindsay

    Plastic sheds are have only recently made an appearance on New Zealand market. Have had sheet metal sheds previously and had weather tightness issues.
    Didn’t want wooden because of upkeep concerns.
    After reading your article on the Keter Factor 8×8
    decided to go for plastic. Made a 4×2 and ply base and took your advice and made sure it was level. Assembled shed today. Went together easily.
    So thank you for your full review of the shed.

    • Hi Murray,
      Thanks for letting me know about your successful construction, you’ve made my day.

      Plastic sheds have been around in the USA for quite a few years whereas in the UK where I’m from, they’re fairly new however starting to become very popular due to the maintenance hassles associated with wooden sheds.

      Initially we were oblivious to the foundation rule as not one sales site we looked at mentioned this stipulation. Delayed for a week we thought we better prepare the correct base as this ruling headlined the instructions and our plot was out of cinque somewhat.

      Upon assembling the shed however it became apparent as all the panels line up with ease, all due to the foundations being level, as you have found. Also, due to the solid base, the floor serves just as described, heavy duty. All that’s required then is to anchor down into the foundations to increase the sheds stability, job done.

      They’re such low maintenance which is their real advantage. We generally pressure hose ours down when the dirt starts appearing. It’s a job I’ve come to quite enjoy. A few minutes later the pristineness shines back through.

      Thanks again for connecting Murray. Enjoy your shed,

  6. FreddieC

    We can’t have too much storage, can we? I think not. A shed in the backyard is a great asset. I like the fact that these plastic shed are manufactured so that you can have the wooden look but not the wood maintenance. I think that’s great.
    I always have a fear when I am buying or making anything with wood. I worry that termites are going to come at some time and destroy my property. I definitely won’t have that worry with these sheds.
    And who doesn’t like the maintenance required to keep this in tip top shape? Wood, hammer, nail, saw…all those things are needed to fix a broke down, rotting wooden shed compared to a hose for the plastic shed.
    The hose wins.

    • Simon

      Hi Freddie,

      Thanks for visiting and leaving your message.

      There’s no doubt a wooden shed looks wonderful when first constructed but further down the line, as you say the weather attacks, bugs and termites start living within, then the rot and decay leads to depreciate the structure.

      We had a storm the other week which collapsed part of our wooden fence. Everything was living in this fence, it had woodworm and became totally rotted hence the break when the wind attacked not to mention the yearly restain maintenance it’s had for protection.

      Yeah, a hose down on a resin shed certainly beats the hassle associated with wooden maintenance and it’s quick too, a few minutes later the shed’s gleam shines back through.

      Thanks again Freddie. Good luck choosing,


  7. Mitsu Fisher

    Hi Simon,

    Wow, great page. Not sure where to start.
    Nice clean layout with lots of whites space.
    Site name is relevant to the page title.
    Lots of well-written content.
    The copy feels authentic and tells a relevant story about why you and presumably your wife decided to take a look at plastic sheds. Excellent and very engaging.
    Lost of relevant and quality images.
    I like the way your categories are set up. Easy and relevant navigation.
    I love the closing at the bottom of the page. How you wish the reader luck with whatever they choose.
    Having your image at the bottom of the page with a link to your about page is most excellent, I love it.
    Your amazon affiliate links are done very nicely. Not too much, not too brazen, subtle and easy. Well done.
    In summary, this is one of the best pages I’ve very seen. This is the level of professionalism and quality that I aspire to.
    I’d love to know what them you are using and about how long it took you to write and publish the page.

    Great job.

    Mitsu Fisher

    • Simon

      Hi Mitsu,

      Thanks for calling and and leaving me website feedback, this is something I seldom receive here.

      I’m glad you find my posts engaging and informative, my whole emphasis is to help people make an informed decision regarding a resin style shed.

      The problem sales sites have is their whole emphasis regards selling, leaving the majority forgetting to mention the critical component for preparing solid level foundations for the shed to sit on. Without this, people struggle. Those who adhere to the rules write fab reviews because all the panels line up correctly for an easy assembly, this is where this website relays the honest info.

      We use our plastic shed for all outdoor gear, from gardening equipment, tools, barbecue gear, patio seating and accessories etc, leaving a nice blank canvas in the garage, it’s great.

      It takes a while to write these full reviews because the previous day I read through all the feedback from those who have purchased from websites in the UK and USA to give me a clear understanding of views, then it takes me at least a day, maybe 2 to write the review and inform visitors of alternative sheds similar to the reviewed one.

      However, it’s something I enjoy simply because this is my passion.

      Thanks again Mitsu,


  8. Laurie

    Well those certainly look more attractive than the good old wooden wendy houses that we use to have in our garden, and believe me they needed a lot of upkeep. They also look easy to clean and maintain. Are these available in South Africa and if so, what would be the equivalent price points?

    • Simon

      Hi Laurie,

      Thanks for reading and providing a comment.

      Yeah, these Factors are quite attractive and very competitively priced when you compare quality with value.

      There are more attractive ones in the market yet they are at a higher price, it all depends on one’s budget and room you have to assemble one. The beauty is their low maintenance, as you know these wooden sheds require yearly upkeep duties and this is what most people are trying to avoid in the future, reason they’re becoming so popular. You can’t beat a quick wash down every now and again.

      I have had a look at the South African Amazon to check whether these sheds are available but they get diverted to Amazon USA. Not sure whether they will deliver from the USA or not. Have a look at ‘read Prices and Reviews’ link and choose the USA option and see where it takes your from your end.

      Hope this helps and thanks for looking,


  9. jschicanha

    wow this sounds interesting for i have been looking for a massive storage for my thing but all use to be getting they are of low quality and they seems to be not to be big enough for the item that i wanted to store there

    thanks for the information provided



    • Simon

      Hi Jose,

      Thanks for taking a read.

      Yeah, this 8x8ft is one down from the largest in the Keter Factor range, the largest being 8ft x 11ft deep. Maybe this one will be worth a look at too:


      They’re competitively priced for the quality that’s delivered. A double skinned wall and a steel reinforced structure to provide stability, whilst the walls provide durability due to the weather-resistant resin make-up.

      Low maintenance too hey!

      Take a look at their reviews for more information.

      Thanks again,


  10. Andi

    Hello Simon,
    I think the overall look and finish of these Keter Sheds is very good and stylish and I wouldn’t mind one myself. I was impressed by the video and how it shows the metal A frame to fix the roofing. It looks very strong. And easy to clean. What is not to like about it.
    I think that I could safely and happily put my rabbits in there over winter to give them extra warmth and shelter.

    My only concern were the tiny shelves but I am sure there is always something that can be stored on them.
    I happen to have some great stand alone shelving that I believe I bought from either Aldi, Lidl or B&Q. If you are an Amazon Affiliate, I am sure you could offer a great range of shelving such as that. I am all for one stop shopping.


    • Simon

      Hi Andi,

      Thanks for taking your time to read and comment.

      These Factor sheds are a very popular range of sheds due to their competitive pricing and quality construction – A real Global Best Seller.

      Yeah, you said it. Easy to clean and that’s what I love about these sheds. Fed up with maintaining my old wooden shed I decided to switch over to this resin style and what a load of time I’ve saved not forgetting the frustration involved in re-staining. It’s turned into a right passion of mine.

      The only main drawback with any plastic shed is the included shelving connected onto the frame. You are so right, it’s only suitable for light items.

      The way around this is to install those free standing shelves you mention here and this will take your storage options to an entirely different level especially for a shed this size.

      Yes I will be providing information for shelving and accessories soon, after I have done my list of shed reviews.

      Thanks again for your time and good luck with your choice,


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