Best Outdoor Storage Sheds – Wood Plastic Composite Sheds

Exploring the best outdoor storage sheds delivering a shield to combat weather invasion, analyse Fusion’s 7ft wood plastic composite sheds. Embodying the imperishability of resin through a showcase of tradition.

Best Outdoor Storage Sheds - Wood Plastic Composite Sheds

Similar to the revolutionary design of composite decking boards, Fusion sheds deliver the same results. Devoid of varnishing, you lightly pressure wash them down, and the job’s done. 

If considerations are to add a touch of tradition in unison to escaping maintenance hassles whilst a 7½ x 7 footprint fits the plot to fulfil requirements, this futuristic style’s sure to impress.

Read the mobile-friendly Fusion shed review:

Fusing wood with polypropylene is Keter’s blueprint, becoming a favourable alternative for many shed replacements pining for the rich elegance of wood. The amalgamation of resin enhances durability & enables breaking away from continual upkeep.

We too closed the door on the wooden variety due to ever-increasing deterioration problems and stepped inside this modern resin world. A hasty hose-shower down revives appearances in rapid strides.

Fusion 757 

The 757 regards the midway point of the Fusion range, near to squaring 7½ feet across by 7 ft deep.

3 sizes conclude this composite range, each model comprises identical 7½ feet widths, just their lengths vary. Commencing with the smallest 4 ft depth facility, destined to enchant any patio leapfrogging to the capacious 9 ft length, a more substantial storehouse.

View the entire range of Quality Plastic Sheds:

Keter Fusion 757

Manufacturer:  Keter

Model:  Fusion 757


Size:  7½ ft x 7 ft

Colour:  Traditional Wood

Verdict: 80% favourable

Requires better delivery standards

View Fusion Shed Prices

Designed to accommodate a conglomerate of stuff suchlike gardening gear, barbecue paraphernalia, patio seating & appurtenances, sports tackle, bikes, lawnmowers including the sit-on variety furthermore to catering for a delightful haven for kids toys.

Alternatively, the 757 can create the dream for a wonderful potting shed or an exquisite mobility scooter station meanwhile with the added benefit of the decent height, storing tall implements like long-handled gardening tools and ladders present no problems.

And because it’s wood the walls cater for securing screws, freeing the floor area by hanging tools up against the walls & incorporating shelving for light goods, albeit, installing a bank of free-standing shelves takes storage options to a whole new level.

The windows can be placed on all sides including the back to suit location & daylight surroundings. Decide prior to constructing, assembly’s pretty straightforward.

Keter Fusion 7.5 x 7 ft Shed

Fusing Wood with Polypropylene

As the name suggests, a Fusion has taken place by forming a unique garden shed creation. Amalgamating eco-friendly reusable polypropylene with wood results in a beautiful rich traditional finish enhanced with the durability of weatherproof resin, providing long-term protection against adverse weather.

The resin sheets come in flat-pack formation smoothing the way for a clear & plain assembly method owing to their tongue & groove perimeter edge. Interlinking adjacent panels with a sliding approach meanwhile interlocking with the base encases Fusions from outside.

During assembly the composite panels wrap around a steel framework providing stability to the overall structure meanwhile the longevity regarding dents materialising and producing a demise in appearance is averted through the robust dual-wall skin.

Fusion's Composite Walls

The panels combine two sheets of composite reinforced by a ribbed internal structure ensuring rigidity. The exterior embodies wood’s gorgeous ruggedness to the touch, textured through the grain.

UV protection elements intermix with the composite armouring the surface to withstand the dangers of colour fade and fractures appearing, after-all sheds are sitting ducks to sunburn’s brute-force scorch.

Fusions stylishly disguise the blessings of maintenance-free resin supplant to an expeditious cleanse, allowing to chuck away those old wood-stain tins, unless of-course the wooden fence requires attention.

Nowadays we connect the shower attachment to a standard hosepipe, twist the nozzle to fast pressure & away we go. 10 minutes max delivers quite an effortless duty to rejuvenate the appearance when the grime appears at lightening pace.

View Fusion 757 Shed Prices

Steel Supports & Truss system Reinforce The Roof

Steel Supports & Truss system Reinforce The Roof

Capped off with Polypropylene

An apex construction headlines most of our checklists. Fusion roofs have outstanding high pitches benefiting the inside with a copious amount of headroom providing voluminous & airy internals eradicating any notion of a hemmed in feeling nor a bent-over scenario.

Fusions Durable Roof Drainage System

Fusions Durable Roof Drainage System

The high peak effectuates instantaneous rainwater drainage preventing the occurrence of puddles developing on the summit, concurrently the roof’s overhang extension beyond the walls creates eaves safeguarding the likelihood of water seeping in where the walls adjoin.

The polymer used for manufacture comprises polypropylene, molded and grey-slate tinted into a classic 3D design purveying the characteristics of conventional roof-tiling, crowning the shed off in true-to-life fashion.

Each roof sheet is manufactured into a dual-wall skin for robustness meanwhile polypropylene safeguards against weather attack  Constituting a durable weatherproof makeup puts an end to future re-roofing repercussions, superseding roofing felt’s inability to survive the weather-elements consequently leading to their short term structural demise.

The roof panels screw-secure around a metal framework, additionally under-girded by a series of steel trusses bridging across the apex internal breadth ensuring rigidity is enhanced. Fusions are promoted to sustain significant snow-loads.

View Fusion 7.5 x 7 ft Shed Prices

Designed to support heavy snowfall

Video- Fusion Advantages

View the comprehensive assembly video further down

Integrated Hefty Floor Design

There’s no compromise regarding Fusion’s robust floor-design either. Developing a tough hard-wearing floor resistant to cold, heat and damp eradicates the process of the rot setting in furthermore it’s purposely strengthened to subsist challenging pressures suchlike the ones hefty storage & lawnmowers endure & staunch enough for tractor support too.

Keter Fusion floor

Fusion’s hard-wearing floor

Polypropylene sheets make up the floor’s footprint, designed into a brawny thickset base with added toughness thrown in. The floor panels interlink with each other making up the base expanse and deliver shed-encasement by interlocking with the wall panels.

Contrary to a wooden floor, resin withstands decay no matter the weather however it’s worth being mindful regarding the longevity of the hard wearing surface, it will only match the robust description if the shed situates on the stipulated foundations.

Dissimilar to a floor-less metal shed Fusion floors maintain a clean environment by adjoining the walls creating an enclosed unit defying the admittance of gusts of wind blowing debris inside and rain puddles appearing on the shed floor. Quite an impressive feature to how clean storage is kept concerning this design.

Anchorage should be part of every sheds construction. Fusion floors contain indentations for the purpose of driving anchor bolts onto the underneaths solid substrate. Advisable never to skip this part.

Fusion 7.5 ft x 7 ft Composite Shed

Light, Spacious & Airy Interior

Step inside this 50 sq ft Fusion and you’re presented with ample room catering for storing oceans of stuff. Increasing storage options towards the ceiling through the incorporation of stand-alone shelving and voluminous stacking boxes regards a favoured route. This is something we did, it’s surprising what a shed this footprint is able to accommodate capitalising on the internal height.

Keter Fusion ventilation

Fusion’s built-in ventilation

A light and airy atmosphere opens up inside due to the loftiness of the apex ceiling, the prevention of cracking your head enables freedom to move around without acquiring any claustrophobic type of feeling.

Up above implanted into the roof ridge lies a translucent skylight strip illuminating daylight inside, accompanied by the widows in the walls and doors meanwhile a preserved presence effectuates internally by virtue of two air-vents positioned front & back generating fresh-air current.

As a result of the wooden facade, it’s now possible to install hooks and shelves by virtue of screwing into the walls. A nifty design feature enabling easy installation for hanging gardening tools. Bear in mind though, shelving does have a weight limit to what the walls can support.

Drillable walls for Hanging Items and Installing Shelves

Expansive Strapping Entrance

Beefy wide brawny twin doors provide oceans of entry room into Fusions making the process of carting storage in and out a non issue, the same situation presents driving and wheeling in equipment owing to the ramp-shaped access threshold, aiding the process.

Keter Fusion 757 doors

Quite a stunning muscular charcoal appearance is derived through the doors manufacture where polypropylene is craftily molded into double skinned formation resembling wood panelling to the outer-face, embodied with weather-resistant UV protection assuring their defence against decay and sunburn-fade.

The doors are one mighty upgrade from their predecessors yet more competitively priced Factor range of sheds. Now including a secure stainless steel locking system moves Fusions ever closer towards the security advantages of metal sheds.

A robust quality closure is presented here owing to the higher grade door hardware as opposed to the fragile tendencies single skinned plastic sheds deliver, furthermore the handle has a built-in padlock clasp for security.

Fusion's Provide Excellent Access

Trumpeting Low-Maintenance

How does a one-step maintenance program of a hose-down sound?

Washing down with a standard hose fulfils our duty, many choose the pressure wash method however just be careful not to spray through the vents. Alternatively a soft scrub with detergent does the trick, maybe a now & again requirement if surrounded by sap leaking trees.

We’ve picked up a great tip for any stubborn ingrained dirt that’s difficult to shift by applying two cups of white vinegar into a warm soapy bucket, rub the marks away followed by a quick hose down works wonders for us.

Fusions remove yearly upkeep duties associated with replacing roofs, re-coats of wood-stain & preserves nor any of their related costs – Virtually Maintenance-Free.

More than 70% of Fusion sheds are manufactured from recyclable materials, the composite mix includes residual wood fibers and recyclable thermoplastics.

Fusion 7½ x 7 ft Measurements

Keter Fusion 757 Measurements

Keter Fusion 757 Measurements

Straightforward Stepped Out Assembly

Fusion sheds receive a great set of results through feedback if they are built on solid level ground, this can’t be emphasised enough. Wood, concrete, paving or asphalt suchlike tarmac raised slightly above ground level fulfils the perfect foundations with priority making sure they’re level.

Laying the floor

Conforming to the foundation rules accomplishes a superlative resin shed construction for the following reasons:

  • A level base ensures a straightforward assembly owing to the panels easy alignment.
  • The doors align plumb due to the shed’s vertical stance resulting in their correct opening and closing swing.
  • Level foundations ensure equilibrium regarding the roof weight applying equal pressure on all sides of the shed preventing leaning stresses.
  • Solid foundations are imperative for the floor to survive continuous physical forces.

All what’s left to do then regards anchoring to effectuate firm groundings to endure the gales.

On average Fusion sheds take two people approximately 5 hours (give or take) to construct. There’s an overwhelming amount of screws, an automatic screwdriver is the most helpful aid however reduce the torque to prevent rounding the screws by over-tightening.

Building the walls and inserting the door

We took quite a few tips on board for our assembly.

Firstly, we installed a lot of off-site procedures like fitting the door hardware. Payed special attention to reading through all the instructional assembly steps to thoroughly understand the procedure and placed all the parts out in order to the construction sequence represented in the instructions. Being organised really does quicken the build.

We prepared a whole day for assembly as there’s quite a lot to do however as a result of being organised we had an enjoyable build, it’s a straightforward process implementing the steps.

Securing the roof

The procedure of the build is demonstrated very well in this assembly video below. Check it out, you’ll grasp the process straightaway.

The video shows the method of lining up the doors too which is highly beneficial. Like anything, once shown you’re on your way to accomplishing a first class assembly.

Watch Fusions Assembly Steps


Advantages and Negatives


  • Displaying traditional rich wooden tones
  • Durability factor of resin
  • Virtually maintenance-free
  • Strong sturdy structure
  • Weatherproof composition preserves storage
  • Decent sized storage facility
  • Screw-able walls for hanging tools
  • Two person step by step assembly
  • Lofty internal height
  • Broad access with wide entry double doors
  • Sturdy support for heavy snowfall
  • Prevents cracking and fading in the sun
  • Ventilated for preservation
  • Daylight illumines through wall/door windows and skylight
  • High-grade stainless steel locking system
  • Sublime appearance to complement surroundings
  • 10 years Fusion warranty
  • Effortless & quick to clean


  • Recommended foundations are fundamental
  • Exceed the value of the Factor range
  • Anchoring down is pivotal
  • Damaged deliveries? Request parts are replaced

Fusion 7.5ft x 7ft

Composite Shed Competition

Escaping maintenance issues is high on the agenda presently, promoting the quality plastic style to high acclaim however Keter stand alone with their Fusion range as this is the first composite wood/resin design.

Shed Sizes:  regards a linkage page comprising of all the low maintenance sheds reviewed on this website. Starting with the smallest footprint working up the ranks.

Here’s a few examples:

Suncast Cascade BMS7790

Cascade’s pretty display:

Lifetime 6411 - 8x7.5ft Shed

Lifetime’s unblemished appearance

Keter Oakland 7.5 x 7 ft

Oakland’s silvery charm

Fusion 7.5 x 7 ft Wood Plastic Composite Shed

Fusion’s rich wooden glow

Closing Notion

Fusions exhibit a divine presentation of natural rich wood. A traditional stance destined to complement surroundings combining charcoal doors with vents and roof to two-tone stylishly with the fascia.

Low-maintenance regards Fusions key bonus for anyone craving for wooden appearances. Resistant to decay, a hose-shower down swiftly rejuvenates assembly day’s shine.

Weatherproof, durable & sturdy, Fusion’s are designed to preserve storage throughout changeable weather conditions.

A low maintenance shed with a traditional twist

View Fusion 7.5 x 7 ft Prices

Fusion Composite Sheds


Hope Fusion’s 7 footer’s provided plenty of storehouse inspiration.

Please share your composite shed queries below. Happy to help.

Many thanks,


Please share the Fusion 7ft shed. Thank you.




    I really want a Fusion 757 shed. But I’m unable to locate one anywhere. We just had an F4 tornado rip through & did a lot of damage to the house & other structures including a shed. Want to replace it with something as good as the Keter Fusion.

    • Hi, Albert, you sound to have gone through a terrible time with this tornado – I hope you’re able to soon sort all the damage.

      Due to the pandemic, there seems to be a shortage of supplies and companies carrying stock. I would contact Keter and ask them where’s best to purchase. Here’s their contact page:

      Hope this helps and you soon get sorted,

  2. This is the kind of shed that everyone should know about! Easy and fast to assemble. And most important, the use of the resin that is a composite mix of wood and UV protected polypropylene. Now that is assured durability. Plus, there is decay resistance. Perfect!

    Also, love the choices of design – Cascade, Lifetime, Oakland, and Fusion. I must say I am the type who likes wood grain finishing. So I am partial to Fusion for sure.

    The next time I need to buy a shed, this will be my top choice. My only choice.

    Thanks for sharing this. And with detailed info, too. Love the videos!

    • Hey Timotheus, thanks for exploring the benefits of Fusion sheds.

      Each panel board is formed with a tongue & groove border which simplifies assembly no end, a case of joining the sections, sliding into place & aligning the holes with the metal framework prior to fixing with screws – Installation comes across very straightforward in reviews.

      The main benefit of the composite mix lies within the polypropylene, it’s UV stabilised therefore isn’t affected by cracks & sunburn bleach and is not susceptible to rotting, even when stood long term in a damp setting meanwhile the additional part of the composite is wood, delivering traditional appearances for those who pine for wooden looks.

      Shed sizes displays the resin shed competition in order of dimensions, simply scroll down to around 7 ft square to explore this Fusion shed’s competition.
      This model represents the first composite mix in a shed design therefore is rather alone but like you mention, Fusion’s incorporate true wood grain due to comprising of natural wood albeit without confining you to future conserving with varnish and roof replacements.

      Glad Fusion’s have inspired you Timotheus, all the best,

  3. What a great post! Its look like a mini house 🙂 you can situate it at your desired place. Easy to setup and long lasting.
    Its durable, strong, beautifully designed, easy to cleanup and has enough space to store things. Very well done. I would highly recommend this storage shed to all.

    • Hi Sarah, Fusion sheds do exhibit traditional charm, natural wood delivers the richness meanwhile mixed with the armoury of polypropylene ascertains the structure’s long life due to being immune from decomposing through rot.

      Double reinforced walls make Fusions seem stronger than single walled polycarbonate constructions due to escaping that wavy composition when you push against them meanwhile due to their edging configured into tongue and groove boards, installation becomes a cinch.
      Insert each section into the groove and slide until the screw holes align with the steel framework, then secure to make sturdy – straightforward as that.

      Restoring Fusion’s presentation after the grime has taken hold also becomes elementary. We use a hosepipe shower for this duty, many others opt for the simpler method of the pressure-wash meanwhile some prefer the conventional bucket & soft scrub method however whatever your prerogative maintenance doesn’t take up too much time – 5 minutes tops for us nowadays.

      Amalgamating wood with polypropylene provides the best of both worlds for those desiring traditional presentations on account of Fusion’s make-up not being susceptible to weather-rot.
      Thanks for recommending Sarah,

  4. huzefa

    hey there
    This shed looks great…. just a question, what is this wood plastic? is it durable?

    • Hey Huzefa, Fusion sheds are composed of a composite mix of wood and UV protected polypropylene which constitutes a resin therefore you have the rich appearance of tradition armed with durability and decay resistance.

      Polypropylene is impermeable to rainwater, doesn’t rot or corrode meanwhile it has built in protection to prevent the heat of sunburn delivering fractures and discolouration to the fascia panels.

      Fusion’s don’t require coating with varnish or wood stain to preserve, their only maintenance relates to a sporadic wash in order to refresh their display.

      Hope this answers your query Huzefa,

  5. Hi Simon! This is a gorgeous shed! It looks like it’s fairly easy to put together too. Although, if were me and my husband doing it together, it would probably take us 10 hours instead of 5 because we’d probably be arguing about the best way to put it together the whole time! haha

    I love all of the pictures you showed of it. It makes the creative juices in my mind start to flow. I can picture using it in so many different ways.

    Right now, we have a 1-car garage, and my husband’s car is in there. Which means our bikes are here, there and everywhere. My son is storing his muddy bike in our nice basement! This shed would be PERFECT for our outdoorsy things.

    Thanks so much for introducing me to it!

    – Christina

    • Hey Christina, these Fusions are pretty straightforward to construct, their tongue & groove formed edging eases assembly no end. If you watch the video and pretend the lady and fella shown building represent you and your husband, you’ll grasp the procedure straight away – And they don’t argue, how funny’s that – ha!

      Their only necessity relates to locating on solid level ground which can be concrete, tarmac, asphalt or for a shed this size, wood decking. Adhering aids panel alignment and delivers a vertical standing that ensure the doors swing just right meanwhile ascertains you can anchor down firmly.

      Fusion’s exhibit the rich tones of wood with the backing of resin that alleviates conservation headaches due to their immunity from rot, the lazy person’s shed that only needs an occasional wash when the grime becomes noticeable.

      Parking bikes in our single garage has always been a struggle too, their handle bars stick out too much for getting in & out of the car- A storehouse in the back garden sidesteps this issue as well as wheeling in dirty wet tyres on the floor at home, what a messy carry on that creates during the wet seasons.

      Thanks again for calling in Christina, glad you enjoyed Fusion’s review,

  6. Jasmere

    Jeez I genuinely had no idea there was there was that many different kinds of sheds. This would definitely come in handy when I get the space for one since this has everything anyone could need to know about them. I’m curious though, how long does a plastic shed last?

    • Hey Jasmere, thanks for inspecting Fusion’s 7 ft sq wood plastic composite shed.

      The weather-resistant shed market is flourishing nowadays, most of us simply have no intention nor time to commit to applying ongoing re-coats of wood-stain and paint etc wooden facilities demand for the purpose of preserving including the disintegration problems roofing felt is prone to thereby requiring occasional replacing, the usual topping seen capping a traditional shed.

      I have no idea how long plastic lasts, it’s an open ended question as far as garden sheds are concerned due to it’s make-up being imperishable, impermeable and immune from decay deterioration. I think over time they may lose their bloom and not look quite as smart as the new entrants to the market however their advantage relates to their easy-clean benefits along with not been confined to annually conserving.

      Yeah, there’s all sorts of sizes of quality resin sheds and if top-notch security is you requisite there’s polyester coated steel sheds that are heavy duty and ultra secure.
      Happy choosing when the time comes Jasmere,

  7. Crystal

    These sheds look very sturdy. Best I have seen so far. Just what I was looking for.
    We recently moved but there is no storage area here for our electric lawnmowers and such. This looks like a perfect addition to our home. The wood look will complement everything in my backyard perfectly.

    Thanks for explaining this shed so thoroughly. Very keen eye on details.

    • Simon

      Hi Crystal,

      Fusion’s manufacture constitutes a twin wall skin in order to enhance sturdiness as well delivering the facade with a more robust lining to avoid dents appearing. 

      These sheds have already become a popular alternative to to the more conventional wooden style yet still exhibit the look of tradition owing to their composite makeup of wood and polypropylene.

      Having this style of walk-in facility stood in a backyard certainly serves as an additional room to a house storing outside gear such as gardening equipment and the likes. Storage room indoors is at such a premium nowadays, especially new build homes over in the UK. Designers don’t seem to cater for all the clobber we accumulate.

      Glad you like the Fusion design Crystal. Shed sizes displays the medley of competing weatherproof sheds reviewed to date. Hope this helps decision making,


  8. Warren

    These sheds look almost like an extension of the house as you can see the quality in the construction, the clean lines and the obvious pride of constructing the finished product.

    Can you tell me what the estimated life is for one of these sheds compared to the basic aluminum or pressboard sheds?

    Also, do you recommend installing these sheds on a concrete slab and is there a anchor system available?



    • Simon

      Hi Warren,

      There has been some very stylish resin sheds entering the market recently, this composite Fusion range is one of Keter’s new entrants. I agree, they flaunt a smart appearance with accents to complement any landscape setting.

      An estimated life is something I tried to find out but just like a resin wheelie trash bin their longevity is difficult to determine due to their weatherproof facade composed to withstand weather attack and provide long-term defense.

      They come inclusive of a 10 years limited manufacturers warranty providing peace of mind.

      Lifetime are the only plastic sheds to my knowledge that have the option to purchase an additional anchoring kit. Fusion sheds have anchor placements embedded within the resin floor for anchor screws to secure the shed down into the foundations. These have to be purchased separately as their type depends on the foundation material.

      I have heard of a few purchasers placing a flag-stone in each corner of their resin shed to further increase wind resistance levels and stability if their climate is subject to regular gale force winds. We live in the UK, rain wind and damp conditions are a regular occurrence however hurricanes are a seldom event over here.

      Wood or concrete are ideal foundations for a shed this size. Any larger and I personally would be more swayed towards a concrete base due to a larger shed holding more stock, increasing it’s ability to survive heavy duty demanding pressures associated with wheeling in weighty equipment and driving in on a sit-on-mower.

      Hope this helps Warren. Thanks again and good luck choosing your style of garden shed,


  9. Andrew

    As a gardener myself i know the importance of having a garden shed for storing your tools etc. I have never heard of the fusion method of manufacturing sheds but if they do the job like the conventional wooden ones then i can see they have a marketable value. Nicely produced bit of work there. well done.

    • Simon

      Hi Andrew,

      Thanks for calling in and reading about Fusion’s wood plastic composite sheds.

      Like you, having a shed situated in the garden brings convenience regarding all the garden tools and equipment whilst sheltering an abundance of outdoor gear.

      The Fusion method works wonders because they accomplish traditional looks with the durability factor resin provides defence against, weather-attack and decay being the main problem wood and roofing felt succumbs to when exposed to damp conditions.

      These are the reasons they are marketable, recently attracting a lot of attention as their only maintenance issue regards a light hose-down when the grime appears, this relates to a few minute job to replenish the shine back to assembly day’s condition.

      Glad you enjoyed the review Andrew, thanks again,


  10. PatSID

    Well, there is certainly a lot to learn about garden sheds, but you explained the differences, and the reasons why very well.
    I am not a DYI person, but could learn as I am planning to get a little house, and I am very, very fond of the HGTV renovation shows.
    You gave very good examples of what happens to the different sheds as a result of weather or wear and tear.
    Good job.

    • Simon

      Hi Pat,

      The only real difference regards whether you are happy to spend your time maintaining a garden shed when they start having problems with weather attack. Standard wood sheds require yearly upkeep work, re-varnishing, sorting rotting wood and re-roofing over time whereas a resin style resists weather decay, only requiring a hose-down when dirty to replenish the shine.

      If you prefer the longer lasting wooden variety, pressure treated cedar’s a good option as this type of wood doesn’t require constant maintenance however they demand a much higher price whereas resin provides the alternative, way more competitive.

      I am pointing visitors where possible to companies offering shed assembly, mainly in the USA at present. The prices section leads you towards however any local handyman will be able to erect a resin shed if you don’t fancy the DIY part. All what’s required prior to constructing is solid level foundations for the shed to sit on.

      Yeah, we always watch the Grand Designs and Home Renovation programs too, they certainly provide inspiration, we’ve picked up loads of tips and ideas from them.

      Thanks again Pat,


  11. Matt Janowski


    Thanks for posting about this awesome shed. I have an older, plastic version of the same thing and it’s on its way out.

    I’ve been looking for something that has a better neighborhood appeal and is still sturdy and hardy enough to stand up to these harsh northeast winters.

    My garage is packed and a shed like this one is definitely what I need. Not having to worry about metal sheds rusting or wodden sheds rotting is of high priority. Add to this it can withstand heavy snowloads and we’re in business.

    I couldn’t agree more when it comes to a solid foundation beneath the shed. Not unlike any other structure, when built on a proper foundation it stands to have a much longer life span. Not to mention harsh weather won’t wash away sand or any other improper base.

    Awesome post and thanks for bringing this shed to my attention Simon!

    • Simon

      Hi Matt,

      Thanks for dropping by and reading.

      Yeah, there’s some fine looking resin sheds hitting the market now, many have overcome the old problem of that shiny plastic look and as you say, neighborhood appeal is what’s on most people’s list along with a shed that will stand up to the elements.

      These Fusion sheds certainly have eye appeal, for those wanting a traditional appearance however there’s a whole variation of quality plastic sheds reviewed on this website that also may appeal. Here’s all the sheds within their ranges reviewed on this website, tap the shed image for the review:…

      We too decided to escape the rotting problems wooden sheds succumb to and opted for a resin structure. You mention snow loads and this Fusion along with many other sheds reviewed here are built with extra strength through truss systems spanning the apex internally further supporting the roof.

      I’d never given the foundation rules a thought to be honest as not one website selling at the time we purchased mentioned this stipulation however once you start to construct it becomes obvious. If your not level on the footings, by the time you’re 8 ft high it could represent problems aligning the panels and the longevity of the hard wearing floors credentials could be affected.

      I too wanted to escape a wooden floor as our last one rotted away. The trouble with metal sheds is that they seldom have floors built-in suggesting you install a wooden floor but then you’re back to the same old problem hence our move into the resin style.

      Great to meet you matt and good luck with your decision,


  12. Anh Nguyen

    Hey there,

    This sounds like an amazing shed, I love how compact it is and easy to setup, it can be a nice addition to our garden. I like how you also shared the videos on how to put it up as well, I am no professional so that’s gonna come in handy.

    Thanks for sharing!


    • Simon

      Hi Anh,

      Thanks for stopping by and dropping a comment.

      Yeah, these wood plastic composite sheds make a lovely addition for any surroundings. If you are after the traditional look but want the durability that resin provides with the low maintenance benefits, these are certainly a winner.

      I placed the video in the post to provide visitors with a visual look of how straightforward the process is to construct. Most of us are DIY amateurs yet this provides the info of how simple assembly is.

      Give yourself half a day but make sure you assemble on solid level foundations. This is key for all plastic sheds, it will aid assembly and the floor will serve you for the heavy duty purposes it’s designed with.

      Thanks again Anh, best of luck with your choice,


  13. Jeremy Hood

    I am so glad I came across this post I have been looking for a shed to put in my backyard. My garage has been getting smaller each month since my son has come along.

    It seems like the wood composite is a great material for these sheds. The 757 looks like it doesn’t have as many parts as a cheap metal shed I helped put together, it took more a lot more than 5 hours to put together!

    I’m sure the added expense is worth it for this shed.

    • Simon

      Hi Jeremy,

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a message.

      It is amazing how much a garage can get loaded up with stuff you hardly use yet must keep as it’s used now and again, like garden tools and the likes. Building a shed provides the possibility for clearing a load of room from the garage and making space you forgot you had. Sounds like you’re gonna get organised here.

      The most important part of building a plastic / resin shed is the foundations, they must be solid and level, this will make sure the assembly goes like a dream. This is a fair size shed so with two of you it will take quite a few hours but it’s well worth the final result for the future years of service without any maintenance issues.

      If you would like to look at some more reasonably priced sheds, take a look at the Factor range too, very popular sheds here:…

      I have completed a review for each sized shed. Hope this helps and thanks again,


  14. Debra

    Years ago I purchased a solid wood shed that was so gorgeous when I bought it, but several years later it deteriorated greatly due to water damage that I couldn’t manage to keep up on. I think the proper thing may have been to apply a new coat of protectant every year? Which of course I don’t have the time to do. Now recently I bought a house with an old metal shed. It was still in decent shape so I repainted it. But I don’t think it’ll hold up much longer. After realizing from these past experiences that sheds have to withstand weather unless you want to work on them constantly, I think the one you’re recommending will be my next pick!

    • Simon

      Hi Debra,

      Thanks for calling in and leaving a comment.

      I have been in your shoes debra with my old wooden shed and they do require frequent maintenance.

      My cousin too has had the same issue when the felt of his roof deteriorated over the winter, flooded the shed and he lost all his equipment. We ended up getting a skip and dumping the lot as everything inside was rusty and ruined. Not nice!

      Some of the new metal sheds are vinyl coated to prevent rusting nowadays but the problem is many do not come with a built-in floor which is why the resin style are becoming ever so popular.

      Metal sheds rust and wood sheds rot yet plastic sheds only require a wash down when dirty.

      Thanks again,


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