Fusion’s slimline composite garden sheds combine wood for traditional eye-appeal with polypropylene to assure resistance against decay. Aside from an easygoing wash to revive appearances, they’re free from maintenance.
Fusion 7½ x 4 ft Shed
Manufacturer: Keter
Model: Fusion 754
Size: 7.5 ft x 4 ft
Colour: Mahogany
Made from: Wood & polypropylene
#Features: Escapes wood preserving
Verdict: Some breeze assembly – Others struggle
Benefits of Fusion’s Slimline Shed
Fusion’s 4 ft depth advantages:
- Locates in narrow placements
- Lofty internals
- Steel infrastructure
- Streamlined assembly
- Resists decomposing
- 10 years warranty
- Freshens-up in a flash
The slender 4 ft depth is designed to locate in narrow spots, stationed with its back adjacent to a house wall represents a favoured position whilst twin doors stretching the 7½ ft breadth conveniently deliver access to storage.
You won’t be crouching over nor thumping your head stepping inside, Fusion’s extend over 2 meters towards the ceiling, catering to store long-handled tools & equipment whilst the mini depth conveniently provides storage within arms reach.
Fusion sheds construct into sturdy units on account of their steel reinforced twin-lined fascia panels meanwhile installation’s assisted by tongue & groove edged boards, making panel alignment much more straightforward.
Warranting 10 years of rot-resistance is Fusion’s benchmark regardless of suffering long-term damp, continuous rainfall, snowy winters or scorching sunshine, the durable manufacture continues-on in an unaltered state.
Composite decking board has already gained traction due to their weather-resistant advantage, the absence of peeling varnish superseded by an easy-to-clean manufacture. Fusion composite sheds provide the same durability and likewise, they’re a snip to clean and bypass continual preserving.
Freshening-up Fusion’s presentation is as straightforward as using a light pressure-wash or clicking the shower adapter onto the hosepipe and twisting the nozzle to jet wash; we find cleaning resin’s done in a jiffy.
Okay, mossy green sap stains can embed if you’re surrounded by trees, however, a squirt of household detergent, warm water and brushing the marks away with a soft sweeping brush delivers a super-quick cleaning solution.
Explore Fusion’s Features
Wood/Plastic Composite delivers style & durability
Fusion’s fascia highlights:
- Traditional appearance
- Decay resistance
- Double lined fascia
- UV armoured
- Tongue & groove boards
- Maintenance-free
- Wood & polypropylene
Fusion sheds amalgamate wood in order to display the richness of the conventional garden hut with the durability of recyclable polypropylene to ascertain rot nor the crumbling demise by termites & woodworm habitation never becomes an issue.
Sturdiness is produced by connecting 2 layers of composite boards together, followed by securing each panel onto the steel framework. The cavity created combined with Fusion’s internal ventilation impedes saturated walls developing on the inside.
By virtue of intermixing wood with polypropylene, a true wood-grain texture is produced by Fusion’s cutting-edge moulding techniques. Furthermore, the addition of stabilizing the composite with UV protection overcomes the predicaments of sun-ray tensions bleaching & blistering the manufacture.
Each composite board is edged with tongue & grooves to streamline assembly; they efficiently slot, slide & align with the steel infrastructure followed by securing to the framework with screws.
These composite boards are not designed for painting nor varnishing with wood stain – they don’t peel; merely an occasional wash as previously described sums-up their maintenance.
Imperishable Roof Structure
Fusion’s roof advantages:
- Comprises 2 roof panels
- Steep drainage gradient
- Stylish slate simulation
- Overlapping roof design
- Returns 2.4 meters inside
- Impervious & ever-enduring
- Resists rot-disintegration
This 4 footer comprises just two roof panels; each contains grooves on the underside which slot on to the steel reinforced triangular sections that create the apex pitch front & back above the doors.
The roof sheets constitute a double lining of UV protected & reusable polypropylene, shaded slate and formed to display a stylish tiled-roof impression courtesy of 3D moulding innovation.
Designed with a steep apex gradient assures prompt rainfall drainage besides reciprocating a 2.4-metre ceiling height, therefore an adult can comfortably step inside without crouching over.
Both roof panels overlap the walls on all sides; abutting underneath the roof structure the walls create mini eaves to overcome rainfall leaks-in at their connection.
Contrary to roofing felt’s short-term lifespan, disintegration issues and inevitable replacements, polypropylene endures the elements of all seasons and continues on unaffected therefore never requires exchanging.
Inside’s Designed User-Friendly
Fusion’s inside features:
- Daylight illumines
- Fresh air circulates
- fascia-floor connection
- Muscular floor panel
- Stylish rot-free doors
- Wide access
- Sloped threshold
- Wall mounting options
Obviously no windows install into the walls due to the mini depth, however, daylight basks through the two door windows in addition to a full-length shatterproof skylight positioned along the roof ridge.
Twin ventilation grids incorporate above the doors & at the back for the purpose of generating a continuous stream of fresh air to the interior, combating sweaty atmospheres evolving during humid conditions.
This slimline shed comprises just the one-floor panel which is toughened to subsist storage stresses and contains a border that interlinks with the composite fascia boards, enclosing the shed.
We took advice from a friend who relayed the benefits a built-in floor provides prior to purchasing our shed. He’s right, the wall-floor connection creates a barrier, stopping rainfall, debris and pests from entering, advantageous when Autumn leaves start to fall.
Twin doors manufactured from a double lining of imperishable UV stabilized polypropylene, simulated with wooden looks & shaded dark grey deliver wide access into Fusion sheds.
The handle operates a stainless steel locking system whilst the doors swing on hinge-pins, kept in place by the roof weight. Down at the entrance, the floor slopes down to ground level assisting rolling the mower inside whereas a padlock clasp enables locking-up to secure.
On account of Fusion’s wood/plastic composite, the walls are screw-able at certain positions explained within the instructions. You’re able to install shelving and hooks for hanging gardening tools against the walls.
Each screw is able to support a weight capacity of 8.8 lbs / 4 kg whilst the maximum weight support per wall section equates to around 77 lbs / 35 kg.
This wall mounting design is superb for organizing lengthy gardening tools adjacent to the walls, however, I would still opt to install freestanding shelves for accommodating weighty gear towards the ceiling.
Fusion 7½ x 4 ft Shed Measurements
Take Note of Keter’s Advised Foundations
Importantly, as for every resin shed, Fusion’s have to station on solid level & flat foundations, this could be existing tarmac, asphalt, paving; preparing timber decking or a concrete substrate.
Also, raise the foundations above a floodplain, sheds will leak if they’re immersed in water.
Constructing from these advised foundations ascertains the build stations perpendicular, the doors operate precisely, the construction sidesteps leaning pressures and the composite fascia boards align efficiently.
Solidity laid below enables rigidly anchoring the shed down through the 4 anchor placements presented in the floor panel plus it delivers a substantial base for the flooring to cope with the demanding stresses lawnmowers endure.
Some assemblers breeze through installation whereas others sometimes struggle, the reason Keter advise to take note & comply with these foundation rules.
Download Fusion 754 assembly instructions:
Tips on installing a Fusion Shed
Traditionally Stylish – Boasting Durability
Uniting wood to accomplish the conventional garden huts appearance with the enduring addition of polypropylene assures weather-resistance, Fusion sheds will not peel or rot and are not designed for varnishing with wood-stain.
Escaping the dilemmas of roofing-felt deterioration, Fusions are stylishly capped off with durable resin simulating slate tiling. Their minor maintenance entails unwinding the hosepipe and delivering a quick jet-wash.
3 sheds complete the Fusion range. This 4 ft mini-depth is the smallest Fusion shed.
The next size up nearly squares the dimensions with a 7 ft length whilst the big daddy extends 9 feet.
All Fusion sheds comprise identical width & height, only their lengths vary.
Check Out Competing Resin Sheds:
If you have any related Fusion shed queries, don’t hesitate to ask in the message box below. Always happy to help if I know the answers,
Please share Fusion’s slimline shed. Thank you.
John Harling Hardy-Holley
Great website, but cannot find the prices!!
Hi John, the Green Bar “View Prices” under the top image of the shed links to the prices. Here’s the link, hope this helps:
Julie Brooks
I cannot click on the view prices as it wont let me.
Sorry, you’re having issues clicking on the “View Prices” banner, Julie – It works fine on my end.
Here’s the link – hope this helps: