Dredging the heavy plastic sheds market in search for a staunch durable composition embraced with steel reinforcements for robustness meanwhile spacious enough to accommodate all the outside gear, inspect Lifetime’s 13 ft chunky low-maintenance polyethylene construction.
Lifetime are firmly established and hugely popular with regards to manufacturing easy-clean weather-resistant outdoor storage solutions. Trumpeting their collection represents an 11 feet wide heavy duty range of storehouses, satisfying desires for increased storage accommodation including a good set of feedback.
We ventured away from the traditional wooden hut variety owing to their constant yearly servicing demands, switching our attention en route to the imperishability of resin. The effortless duty of a quick hosing down exemplifies maintenance, fetching back assembly days condition in minimal time compared to our previous rot-related frustrations.
If strength & sturdiness wrapped in a virtually maintenance-free body lights the candle meanwhile complimentary stylish to enrich the home-yard along with an 11 by 13½ feet spread, Lifetime’s design’s sure to tick the boxes and impress.
Lifetime 11 x 13.5 ft
Exhibiting a wooden guise displayed in desert sandy shade expressing architectural features suchlike beefy brown doors containing high calibre metal hardware, swing open windows, air vents front and back meanwhile crowned with shingle style roofing generously overlapping the walls manifests into an overall presence of strength & high quality.
Each shed within this range comprise uniform dimensions & features across their 11 feet width. Depths across the group start from squaring the footprint with an 11 ft depth further to expanding the range in 2.5 feet extension kits. Finishing the group regards a whopping extension spreading 26 feet long. This 13½ footer concludes the first extension.
Shed Ranges: represents Lifetime’s competition albeit they do stand alone with regards to an 11 ft breadth. Most manufacturers restrict widths to 8 feet.
Manufacturer: Lifetime
Model: 6415
Size: 11 ft x 13.5 ft
Verdict: Outstanding
Colour: Desert Sand
# Feature: Heavy Plastic Shed
Sturdy User-Friendly Features
You’re visiting this page to inspect the heavy duty credentials this 13 footer provides, this summery expresses the sturdy features along with Lifetime’s quality finishes.
A double walled high density polyethylene fascia construction embracing steel reinforcements for added strength comprise the walls whereas the similar designed resin roof panels secure around a metal framework, additionally supported by steel trusses spanning internally increases the shed’s overall stability.
Broad twin doors designed into a brawny double skinned resin structure provide extensive access meanwhile regarding security & operations, strengthened enhancements virtue of steel reinforcements are built within.
A thickset sheet of toughened resin embeds the floor, intentionally constructed to subsist challenging pressures meanwhile adjoined to the walls they accomplish the well favoured built-in feature to maintain clean internals.
Air vents replace sweaty atmospheres with a fresh ambience whilst swing windows additionally enter a breeze along with daylight. The apex roof structure ascertains an effective drainage system is delivered meanwhile skylights embedded within bask the interior with daylight.
This attractively designed 11 x 13.5 footer incorporates an abundance of quality features however the sturdiness attracts attention, it’s becoming quite a popular model.
Receiving a Good Set of Feedback
Reading through Lifetime’s top-drawer feedback, the features spotlighted above accede to high degree. Purchasers adore the attractive visual stance Lifetime’s present, the stalwart construction that provides stability against climate changes & burdensome storage pressures, not forgetting the quality finishing touches and spacious storage accommodation accompanied by generous headroom height.
Facilities this size do take 2 people at least a day to construct, a daunting project for many novice DIYers I do agree.
The only thing I can add here relates to the most important part of a resin shed construction, a stipulation we were completely unaware of until the delivery of our chosen shed. It’s imperative they’re mounted on a solid level surface. Decking is okay but you have to bear in mind how much weight a unit this size will accommodate in relation to subsidence. Levelled concrete, asphalt, tarmac or paving on the other hand assures enhanced solidity.
We had to postpone our assembly for a week in order to prepare the correct foundations because every sales website failed to mention this ruling prior to purchase. We found out by the instructions headlining this stipulation.
Upon assembly however, it became obvious why this ruling’s essential. Panels line up with ease due to commencing from levelled ground thereby ending up with a perpendicular construction, a skewiff stance will only lead to further complications. We accomplished an enjoyable straightforward assembly. For those who choose to skip this step take note because once you’re 8 ft up, aligning the roof panels will present problems if you’re not level on the footings.
Explore Lifetime’s Composition Advantages
Chunky Robust Construction
Don’t confuse this model with the single walled structures on the market, this is a different kettle of fish altogether. This range is manufactured with dual walled resin fascia sheets, the chunkiness of the roof and facade’s composition adds firmness to the overall stability of the shed.
The walls incorporate steel reinforcements, secured together with high grade metal screws ascertains a firm fix meanwhile the roof wraps around a supported metal framework, virtue of steel trusses under-girding the structure. This particular model comprises 5 A-Frame steel beams stretching across the roof width inside.
The doors consist of a double skinned resin conformation reinforced internally with a meshing of steel providing more robustness to the entrance whilst intensifying security.
The floor’s makeup regards a strapping resin base constituting added toughness thereby strengthening the composition to subsist hefty stresses associated with gardening services.
All things considered, Lifetime have created a shed boasting a stalwart construction.
Composition Assures Weather Resistance
Lifetime’s recyclable composition is manufactured through a process termed High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) where the polyethylene molds to combine an inner & outer skin, internally ribbed provides a stocky firm & stable surround. Embedded within the wall sheets lies a steel structure where the next sheet connects, securing together with high grade steel screws.
The molding process creates the semblance of horizontal wood panelling radiating desert-sand that two-tones effortlessly with the doors brown tint exhibiting architectural style meanwhile on account of the panels ribbed inner construction, the composition’s built to withstand dents.
Polyethylene along with UV toughening compound delivers all-round weather-resistant advantages. Unaffected by rain, snow and sun, it doesn’t decay, rust or rot meanwhile refrains from splitting and bleaching when subject to the scorch of direct sun, resulting in a shed unsusceptible to deterioration through adverse weather conditions.
To conclude the virtually maintenance-free advantages this shed offers, a quick spray down regards the minimalist operation for upkeep in order to retain the immaculate appearance. Alternatively, a soft brush and scrub with detergent or an occasional pressure-wash represents additional easy-clean solutions.
The Benefits of a Robust Imperishable Resin Roof
The advantages of a resin roof is that it’s unsusceptible to decay, impermeable to rainwater thereby safeguards storage meanwhile upholding the strong point and envy of conventional wooden sheds topped off with roofing felt and their quick disintegration process, Lifetime’s never succumb to re-roofing.
Lifetime roofs are manufactured into a twinned lining of High Density Polyethylene, alike the fascia panels albeit molded to create a stylish slate effect topping. Encased around a metal frame they secure into place, buttressed by a series of 5 A-Frame steel trusses stretching across the internal rafters enhancing support for weighty lumps of snowfall.
An apex structure is my favourite roof design, where a high pitch effectuates immediate drainage of rainwater and impedes the ability of water puddling meanwhile seepage-in at the roof-wall junction is averted on account of the roof’s overlap with the walls.
The additional advantage a steep roof provides, reciprocates increased headroom height inside. There’s over 7 feet from the A-Frame beams to the floor plus the additional headroom above the rafters, a copious amount enabling an adult to stroll around without stooping over.
Embedded within the roof lies 2 impact resistant skylights, illumining daylight to brighten the interior.
Muscular Integrated Resin Floor
Initially unsettled by the metal sheds absence of built-in floors swayed our attention towards resin constructions that do incorporate, in order to escape another episode of a wooden floor rotting away.
The reason we’re hugely impressed regards the fact there’s no admittance for the outside environment to blow debris inside at the base of the walls, unlike our garage floor that receives a wave of leaves in autumn due to the small gap under the door. Neither is there chance of rain puddling the shed floor, we were determined to find an escape route to eliminate future problems.
Lifetime floors incorporate a mix of polyethylene along with additional ingredients that toughen the makeup, provide an anti-slip surface whilst equipping the floor with resistance to oils and solvent stains delivering an easy to clean surface. Molded into hefty resin sheets, they interlock with adjacent floor panels whilst simultaneously interlocking with the walls.
The toughening elements result in a floor capable to subsist demanding stresses associated with heavy gardening machinery suchlike ride on mowers endure however it’s important the floor sits on a solid level surface thereby under-girded to withstand the forces.
Lifetime advise to anchor the floor down onto the foundations to increase the sheds stability. The kind of anchor bolts are conditional to the foundation material.
Inside Lifetime’s 13 ft Expanse
The windows operate through a swing design allowing the opening for additional fresh air along with entering daylight meanwhile up above embedded in the roof, two impact resistant skylights illumine the interior with natural light during daytime hours.
Situated front and rear, incorporated air vents distribute fresh air circulation inside, replacing sweaty atmospheres during humidity. A feature we find keeps storage in pristine condition, couple this with the built-in floor, a clean atmosphere is presented.
Included with this shed regards a shelving system comprising 7 shelves and 2 peg strips along with metal hooks for hanging gardening tools. We and many others install free standing shelves to accommodate heavy storage. When you evaluate the 11 ft width these sheds are blessed with, there’s oceans of room to facilitate stand-alone shelving.
Due to the extensive amount of storage room represented here, 11 by 13 feet can house oceans of gardening equipment including lengthy tools and parasols, patio furniture & accessories, BBQ paraphernalia, park the family’s bikes, a super haven for kids toys & sporting equipment etc meanwhile driving in or rolling in a lawnmower represents no issues due to the generous dimensions, copious headroom and hard wearing surface.
Broad Strapping Double Door Access
Wide beefy twin doors open up the entrance providing widespread access for driving in machinery meanwhile as seen in the photo above, the doors swing wide open for unrestricted access.
The doors polyethylene manufacture molds into a chunky dual walled composition resembling a door constructed from brown wooden panelling, creating a stylish yet robust entryway.
The left hand door contains 2 internal deadbolts that side into grooves above and below the door for locking up further to providing a stay-closed position in wild weather. The doors swing open via their full length galvanised steel hinge pins rather than separate small hinges.
Easy grip handles comprising press buttons situated on their top operate the metal latch system meanwhile reinforcing the doors structure regards steel meshing and a steel infrastructure to which the padlock clasp secures to, strengthening security.
To lock the door, a padlock is required to slot through both clasps once the doors are closed.
Weather-Resistant Assures Low Maintenance
Lifetime presents a make-up resistant to weather depreciation, the impermeable composition is not susceptible to rotting nor rusting, paramount for storage protection.
All the exposed steelworks are powder coated to prevent corrosion meanwhile the resin floor resists decay. The entire surface is easy to clean, a spray down with a hose or pressure washer does the trick, restoring the shine in minimalist time.
Dependant on landscape surroundings, ingrained dirt may start to appear however a great tip regards adding white vinegar to warm soapy water and removing with a soft bristled brush.
Lifetime cater to chuck away those old varnish and paint tins because there’s no yearly maintenance issues nor future re-roofing services associated with a polyethylene composition. I generally hose ours down after watering the plants on a summers evening.
Lifetime 11 x 13.5 ft Measurements
Stepped-Out Assembly Approach
The most important measure to undertake prior to installation is to ascertain a levelled substrate of solidity determines the foundations. Most assemblers choose a concrete or paving-stone type base to refrain from future subsidence wood decking may suffer, this 13 footer will accommodate a hefty amount of gear.
Obeying by this rule, we found all the panels aligned plumb for a quick & efficient assembly, the perpendicular construction derived from levelled ground overcomes leaning stresses and determines the doors correct operation plus the floor is capable of surviving burdensome tensions.
Another important role to undertake regards attaining firm anchoring, only a solid substrate suchlike asphalt or concrete will accomplish a firm fix to ascertain stability. We had to purchase our own anchor screws, their type is dependant on the base material therefore not included.
Top tips we picked up are to thoroughly read through the instructions beforehand to become familiar with the process. Plenty of off-site jobs like installing the door hardware can be undertaken before assembly. We also laid out all the parts in order to the instruction steps and accomplished generating an organised build.
Lifetime estimate this shed takes on average 8 hours to build with 2 people using household tools to construct. We just started at the beginning and slowly worked through the steps one at a time implementing what’s shown albeit our shed was no where near these dimensions however the same principles apply irrespective of size.
By watching the video below, you’ll grasp the procedure straight away.
How to Construct a Lifetime Shed
Highlights and Considerations
- Stylish exhibit that complements home-yard surroundings
- Neutral radiant sandy shade
- A heavy duty plastic design
- Becoming very popular through fab reviews
- 11 x 13½ footprint of storage accommodation
- Imperishable weather-resistant enclosure
- Sturdy steel framework constructs the shed
- A-frame trusses buttress roof support
- Efficient roof drainage system
- Lofty internal headroom height
- Floor is easy-grip, stain-resistant & hard wearing
- Interlocking wall-floor enclosure
- Air vents generate internal fresh air distribution
- Swing-open windows enter fresh air
- Windows and skylights distribute daylight
- Shelving system included
- Wide double door access
- Quality finishing touches
- Two person assembly
- 10 years 11 ft Lifetime warranty cover
- Speedy to clean
- Imperative to construct on a solid material, such as concrete
- Effectuate firm anchorage down into the foundations
- Spacious footprint takes time to construct
- Consider installing free standing shelves
Competition with regards to an 11 x 13½ footprint
Competition is becoming pretty intense with regards to a resin composition due to delivering long-term low-maintenance for shed services.
Shed Sizes: steps up competing weatherproof sheds in order of size, suchlike these examples below:
Tremont’s pictorial 16 footer
Lifetime’s 15 ft idyllic appearance
Lifetime’s 15 ft Dual Entry
Spacious Weatherproof Storage Accommodation
A good looking stylish shed deigned to exhibit a modish twist to any garden’s landscape however storage protection is top priority, a feature this shed delivers due to the complete enclosure of polyethylene.
A twin lined sturdy resin composition, reinforced around a steel framework with additional bolstered support through steel trusses enters this shed into the heavy plastic shed market.
Furnished with quality finishing touches, easy access double doors, ventilated for freshness along with windows & skylights that illumine daylight, turns this spacious storage facility into a model that’ll take some beating.
Couple these advantages with 10 years warranty backup, no wonder this shed receives outstanding feedback.
Hope Lifetime’s 13 footer provides inspiration with regards to your spacious outside storehouse search.
Any related heavy plastic shed queries or favourites, please ask and share. Happy to help.
Bye for now,
Please share Lifetime’s 13 footer. Thank you!
Great, Great, Great, these sheds are only great look wise but are very durable and strong. I will forward it to some of my friends who are planning to renovate their garden and I might need a shed i future, will do it as per your article and advises you have mentioned, thank you.
Hey Sarah, Lifetime’s composition is durable and strengthened by their dual walled skin design whereupon a ribbed inner-layer substantially buttresses the external side which constitutes the wooden-effect styling.
If you and your friends call for spacious outside storage accommodation, this style caters. Unusually for a resin manufacture these facilities spread 11 feet across their width, competing resin sheds usually restrict their breadth’s to 8 feet however due to their minimum 11 feet depths, a fair size garden plot is required for constructing.
I have measured our garden but unfortunately they’re too big and would over-obtrusively dominate our outside space therefore you need a fair stretch to enable construction.
You mention their strength, which is derived from a metal framework into which the panels adjoin in conjunction to steel trusses reinforcing the roof producing a top able to accommodate hefty snow-loads during winter.
Hope your friends find suitable storehouses to accommodate all their outdoor gear. Shed Sizes steps up competing weather-resistant sheds in order of size meanwhile Weatherproof Steel Storehouses may interest those who require substantial secure engineering.
Thank you,
i have been researching storage options other than the traditional wood framed units. the maitenance is almost too much having to paint wash and replace wood year after year . i came across your review of these lifetime storage solutions and i am absolutely glad i did they seem high quality and the name lifetime makes me feel safe in the fact they are built to last! i am thanks to your strong detailed review in the process of ordering one now thanks so much for taking the time to provide me a place to buy as well !!
Hey Garry, thanks for commenting on Lifetime’s heavy plastic sheds manufacture.
Your situation with regards to finding an alternative to the toilsome challenge of re-coating traditional sheds with paint along with felted roof replacements sounds very similar to our predicament a few years back.
Lifetime’s chunky fascia walls of polyethylene deliver the alternative solution on account of their immunity from decay deterioration. Their imperishable composition is as sturdy as it is stylish meanwhile maintaining their unblemished appearance is swiftly restored with a wash. We click the shower connector into the hosepipe and occasionally spray our shed down during summer, simple as that!
Lifetime promote their polyethylene design and composition as the best resin sheds on the market, I would never judge here as there’s plenty of competing sheds offering alike manufactures in terms of robustness that delivers durability however their 8 ft wide sheds are one of the largest sellers on the market, especially in America.
Good luck choosing your size Garry, these 11 ft wide sheds start with a depth expanding 11 feet and multiply in 2.5 ft lengths all the way up to 26 feet deep, there’s a walkway.
All the best,
Looking for a sturdy plastic shed but width I have is only 5 feet but could go to 12 feet width do you make bespoke sheds
Many thanks
Thanks for asking about whether there’s a 5 ft width heavy duty plastic shed available.
We don’t sell nor manufacture plastic sheds, our service relates to delivering in-depth reviews regarding the quality resin variety and point visitors towards the best suppliers at the most competitive prices, hence we have no allegiance to any particular manufacturer.
5 ft width is very tight, I’ve been searching around for your size but can only come up with one solution. Keter Factor’s 4 ft width x 6 ft depth is the only shed that I’ve come across that fits your width. Is there any possible way you could place two of the Keter 4 ft x 6 ft sheds back-to-back accomplishing two separate sheds with doors at either end, this would equate to 12 ft total length. Failing that, would one 4 ft x 6 ft shed suffice?
Sorry I can’t be any more helpful but maybe this is a solution.
Check Factor 4 x 6 ft prices here:
Hope this helps, thanks for your enquiry,
Sherry and John
There is a lot of buzz on the Internet about Spring and getting your garden and yard tools, implements all organized. It appears that your sheds will do exactly that. This is a great presentation. Wow steel supported that is amazing. My husband wants to build the shed that we want. However, We are now seriously considering your product. I am truly impressed by this product and your presentation. Just one question,do anchors come with the sheds for heavy winds? Good Job.
Hi Sherry and John,
Thanks for calling in and reading about these heavy Lifetime Plastic Sheds.
Yeah, These are very sturdy sheds due to their steel reinforcement. You ask about additional anchoring:
All plastic sheds should be anchored down into the foundations and this is by virtue of purchasing the correct anchor bolts dependant on your base material, whether it’s concrete or wooden foundations. Embedded within the floor are anchor positions where you place the bolts/screws.
If you are exposed and worried about stormy weather, Lifetime do additional anchor kits for their sheds. These sheds require the 11 ft width anchor kit.
If you click on the second set of prices for the UK and scroll down the page, there’s two sets of prices for each shed. One is for the shed, the other includes installation. With regards to this company who offers assembly, they ask you to message them if you would like to include the anchor kit and they will add this to your order.
If you are in the USA, click the first link and many of these companies offer installation too. I would message them and ask whether they can add the anchor kit to your order. The ones who offer installation are shed companies and they will know exactly what you mean.
I hope this helps and good luck with your decision, have a great year in the garden,
How To Build A Business Online
Amazing and thorough review of this particular shed Simon. The passion you have for this product clearly comes through in your critique in a very positive and knowledgeable way.
I am no handyman but with help I can see how this would be a great addition to the backyard.
The quality of materials is so advanced these days making the shed look like a little house. I can see these lasting a lifetime on a concrete foundation. Is this the one you have installed at home?
Thanks for this again:)
Thanks for calling in and reading about these heavy duty garden sheds.
You mention you’re no handyman, a lot of people say the same however I am noticing on the sales sites just lately that there’s quite a few companies offering installation which is a great idea especially for a shed this size as it can be a daunting process if you’re not a DIYer.
Yeah, these new materials are becoming so stylish these days and the beauty of plastic is that it’s weather-resistant, durable and easy to clean. These Lifetime sheds are dual skinned reinforced with a steel infrastructure which is a huge advantage to accomplish a real sturdy structure that provides stability.
We chose a smaller width Keter shed due to size restrictions however I wish we could fit this size shed into the garden but unfortunately we have a protected tree with low branches right in the middle of the garden, 11 ft width is too wide for our plot but what a fabulous size this would make for our storage.
What I like about this material is when we water the plants on a summers evening I quickly spray the shed down and bring back assembly days pristine finish, all in a few minutes.Suits me down to the ground.
Thanks again and good luck choosing,
Thank you for the informative post!
I think I am in love. These plastic sheds are beautiful and functional. I can already imagine such a plastic shed in my garden.
But when checking Amazon UK page – it says the shed is currently unavailable. Any idea when this could be back?
Hi Arta,
Thanks for visiting and leaving your question.
These Lifetimes are really beginning to take off due to their heavy duty, weather-resistant and durable construction. They have such a stylish attractive design, yet are so easy to clean whilst feedback comes through mightily impressive. They are great sturdy sheds.
Believe it or not, this shed was for sale yesterday, they’ve sold out however not to worry and thanks to your question I have updated the page with another link of competitive prices.
Good luck with your decision and thanks again for letting me know,