Large Plastic Storage Sheds

Probing the large plastic storage sheds market to accomplish style combined with sturdiness, check out the enormity of Tremont’s Big Chief. Enabling to serve & shelter a wide cross-section of outdoor storage no matter the size.

This magnitude stimulates organisational skills into action, delivering a garage takeover.

Resolute in dodging the annual wood-preserving grind and recurring roof replacements we switched from the conventional and commuted down resin’s modern path.

Like wow, the hunky-dory composition’s expeditious to wash-down when the grime becomes noticeable. This pretty-much regards their only necessity of care. One heck of a time-saver for our concerns.

If you’re wanting shut of future maintenance, don’t mind a bit of DIY to erect to humongous storage facility including wishes to have a modish stance of stylistic grandeur sat in your surroundings, explore Tremont’s credentials.

Suncast Tremont Range

Tremont 8 x 16 ft

Parading an elegant tinge of vanilla alongside the stony coloured entryway whilst capped with a slate tinted roof expresses modish flair, intended to enrich any garden scenery. The immensity certainly stands proud, overcome by exhibiting a smart classy presence.

Five sheds conclude the Tremont range, they all embrace identical breadths & height starting from 4 feet in depth, enlarging up the range in 3 ft intervals, topping off with this lengthy 16 ft expansion.

This daddy of the bunch sits on the left hand side of the above image. The smaller facility extends 8 x 13 feet, next size down regards 8 x 10 ft dimensions.

Shed Ranges reviews the entire Tremont collection including the competition.

Manufacturer:  Suncast

Model:  BMS 8160

More Info: Suncast Channel  

Size:  8 ft x 16 ft

Verdict:  Very Good

Colour:  Vanilla / Stony

Features That Rock!

Here’s a quick summary to what caught attention regarding the features of this spacious Tremont, making it worthy of a full inspection.

Single wall structures don’t deliver robustness in the way Tremont’s multiple panelling reinforces the construction. If you’re after averting dents appearing this composition maybe of interest.

The apex crown regards the majorities favoured design to effectuate instant drainage. All Suncast’s walk-in varieties consist of excellent high sloping peaks which return an additional favour inside by virtue of lofty ceilings.

Roof-skylights & door windows illumine the interior with considerable daylight whilst freshness is distributed through ventilation eradicating the build-up of a sweaty ambience developing in humid conditions.

Built-in flooring puts an end to leaves wafting through around Autumn time, a beneficial feature. A wide entryway with sloping verge aids wheeling in gardening machinery whilst the base constitutes further strengthening to bear the strain of tractor pressures.

Encapsulated in polypropylene provides all-over weather-resistance to rot, only requiring a quick spray-down when dirty.

Storage possibilities seem unlimited due to the immense footprint. This is one huge shed that can accommodate.

How do Reviews Stack-Up

Feedback conveys floods of positivity across the Tremont board despite which model size that fits your plot.

Purchasers adore the virtually maintenance-free benefits & modish presentation Tremonts exhibit. No leaks provide the advantage whilst superb access combined with comfortable headroom expanse creates freedom walking around inside due to the highness of the apex incline.

Assembly-wise, it’s rather a big project erecting a shed this size. There’s a lot of screws required on a small shed never mind a unit stretching these proportions which has obviously daunted a few, taking on average 2 days to finalise construction however once built, reviews come back very favourable.

Here’s something that’s worth considering: There are quite a few who have purchased the smaller model then lead on to purchasing a second which certainly expresses confidence.

Others initially opt for 2 smaller sheds due to the daunting challenge regarding building such an enormous sized facility. A couple of smaller sheds may organise storage more efficiently: Like on guy says, all the mucky gardening equipment in one whilst the other harbours all the clean stuff like patio seating & accessories etc.

Circumstances always differ but worth considering.


Structurally Robust

Our primary concerns related to what’s going to brace this 8 feet width-span together however Tremonts resemble a similar template to ours where the resin facade sheets secure to a structural steel framework bolstering the build into a strapping construction.

Upholding the roof, stations a metal truss configuration shoring up the top by a system of metal beams running across the apex breadth, delivering contentment for stormy weather.

The facade sheets constituting the wall & roof construction combine a multi-layered manufacture, exquisite on the outer-skin whilst structurally designed robust on the inner-surface by means of resin ridges to accomplish stoutness. Once bolted to the structural frame, sturdiness comes into fruition.

The doors also unite a dual skin providing substantial access furthermore Suncast surpass most competition with regards to furnishing their door operations with quality hardware.

The floor’s reinforcement of extra toughening endures tractor stresses so no worries rolling in equipment however it’s crucially important the base stands on a flat solid substructure such as asphalt or concrete to sustain the pressures long-term.

Durability Combines with Style

Rather than choose a single walled construction we searched for an alternative solution and decided upon a dual walled composition similar to Tremonts. Our reasons were simply down to the fear we had regarding how a single panelled structure would hold up during fickle weather conditions.

Tremont walls are manufactured through Suncast’s blueprint: Blow-Molded technology, where the process moulds the resin into multiple sheets to give the body more oomph, delivering dent-defence.

During the polypropylene manufacture, the clean vanilla pigments are blended along with sunburn protection to resist discolouration and fracturing. The moulding procedure then forms the resin to bear a resemblance of wood, creating a stylish straight & curved panel display constituting the hallmarks of textured grain embodied throughout.

Each facade sheet interlocks with accompanying wall & floor panels during assembly, screw-secured into position around the steel frame resulting in a durable, weatherproof and easy to clean composition that’s sturdy in stature.

Polypropylene is a green eco-friendly material, 100% recyclable and withstands decay. Furthermore it’s elementary to clean, a spray with a garden shower-hose regards our swift cleansing duty whilst most just deliver an annual light pressure-wash. Washing away deep-seated grime usually involves a soft brush with a squirt of detergent.

Delivering a Steep Apex Incline

Okay Suncast roofs require a ladder to construct their 8 feet highness but this does provide internal loftiness advantages for strolling around inside averting cramped over backache.

The crest runs up a steep incline enabling rainwater to drain off in quick fashion. The roof structure creates eaves, extending beyond the edge ensures puddles of water don’t congregate and seep in at the walls abutment.

The two-ply roof formation is molded into a semblance of shingle styling delivering a slate-effect classic top. The sheets anchor to the metal framework which is further bolstered by A-frame metal beams that form into a truss system stretching across the apex rafters which join the struts upholding the walls.

The constitution of a resin manufacture ensures durability, it’s weatherproof, sturdy and resistant to rotting. In contrast to roofing felt’s rapid disintegration issues, polypropylene is not susceptible to weather-decline therefore absent from repeatable replacements.

The Blessings of a Built-In Floor

Our attention swiftly directed from the metal style of garden shed towards the plastic variety simply because the metal breed rarely integrate floors mandating to fit your own which unfortunately constitutes wood, a material we’re trying to steer away from in fear of rotting dilemmas.

We find the inside environment has exceeded our expectations, storage is kept very clean due to blocking the internal boundary gaps down at the base. Our old wooden facility was a nightmare during Autumn’s leafy fall.

Tremont floors are an integral part of the shed, manufactured into thickset polypropylene platform sheets. The flooring unites by interlinking to form the base area whilst the walls adjoin by virtue of interlocking, sealing the shed from outside.

The floor’s firmness has the stamina to endure tractor stresses so harbouring hefty clobber isn’t an issue, it’s specifically geared to cope but the long-term survival rate is wholly reliant on preparing the recommended solid substrate underneath before constructing.

Anchor placements embed within Tremont floors to enable staunch groundings.

It’s Ginormous Outside & In

Resin sheds don’t really come much larger than this extremity, dimensions capable of swallowing up an abundance of outdoor gear from gardening equipment to kids toys and bikes through to patio seating and the lot.

Encompassing an 8 ft width, 16 ft length plus the elevated 8 feet of height equates to a spacious 883 cubic ft capacity storehouse that caters for free movement around inside.

10 skylights are inserted within the roof, couple this with the windows in the doors presents a flood of natural daylight entering inside. There is also the option of purchasing the identical Tremont BMS 8165 model consisting of 4 windows in the side for those who wish for more daylight. The image below shows this shed.

Another benefit regarding Suncast’s quality features regards the two-sided integrated ventilation to aerate the interior with freshness from outside. We’re impressed with the results of this basic system over in the UK, airing the interior this way ceases the build-up of clamminess and condensation.

Included with this shed are 6 corner shelves with the choice of 8 different placements where to locate. You are able to purchase additional shelving, loft kits, hooks and baskets however many prefer to install the DIY stand-alone shelving kits that tier-up hefty storage many levels. That’s what we have done.

Wide-Ranging Access

A capacious facility usually entails the accommodation of drive-able sit-on gardening machinery hence broad access is imperative to ensure driving-in’s a non issue.

Manufactured through a blow-molding resin technique into a wooden likeness exhibiting a stony tint, the doors robust makeup incorporates the equivalent durability & weatherproof standards the roof and walls embrace.

Both doors contain conventional style handles to which a through-bolt & hasp assure closure. Buckling the hasp and inserting a padlock delivers security.

Squared Georgian style windows exhibit an elegant touch generating extra daylight inside along with furnishing three metal hinges per door results in enhancing a more superior finish and operation.

No worries regarding a swinging door when gardening in the gales as 2 quality latches internally fitted on the left hand door deliver a fixed closure by sliding them into molded anchor grooves.

Upkeep Duties – A Thing Of The Past

We’re chuffed to bits having gotten rid of the maintenance issues our last wooden shed entailed. Gone are the days trying to replenish an old rotting structure. On the contrary, resin epitomises the ease of modern day conservation.

This makeup resists the rot & doesn’t peel therefore replaces wood-stain duties and roof replacements leaving a swift wash-down as their only duty of care.

Tremont 8 x 16 ft Measurements

Easy-Bolt Tool Assembly

I wish I could offer you a quick assembly here but this shed is rather immense so prepare for a couple of days to construct, this is the general consensus obtained through reviews.

Imperative the foundation material is level & solid. My recommendations regard a levelled cemented substructure or an equivalent solid material to accomplish prime anchorage, serviceability and operational purposes. Also, no shed wants to be positioned in a floodplain.

We found obeying this rule determined an efficient perpendicular assembly simply due to plumb panel alignment furthermore the longevity of the floors strength & performance is dramatically increased.

2 people are required for construction however Suncast’s Easy-Bolt method of assembly inclusive of the purposely designed tool receives rave reviews.

Demonstration of a Suncast Shed Assembly


The Highs & Lows


  • An abundant size delivering ample storage opportunities
  • Attractive modish display fit to complement any garden
  • Low-maintenance regards the huge draw
  • No predicaments of future rust or rot
  • Doesn’t involve re-coats of stain nor paint
  • Eliminates re-roofing dilemmas
  • Apex rooftop assures swift efficient drainage
  • 8 ft + Internal height
  • Integrated air ventilation generates freshness
  • Skylights and windows illumine daylight
  • Substantially toughened built-in floor
  • Floor-to-wall interlock delivers enclosure
  • UV armoured to withstand sunburn assault
  • A wash down brings back the pristine finish
  • Sturdy & durable facade construction
  • 4 season weather-resistance
  • High calibre door hardware & operation
  • Padlocking assures security


  • Important to prepare a level base of solidity
  • Anchoring enhances stability
  • Takes a fair time to construct
  • Consider freestanding shelving, alternative options are extras

Extra-Large Resin Shed Competition

Weatherproof constructions spanning these dimensions aren’t as popular as the medium facilities due to requiring sizeable location spots, however there are a few:

Check out the larger facilities towards the bottom of Shed Sizes:

Lifetime spanning 12 feet in length

Extending 15 feet

11 feet across by 13 ft deep and extendable

A choice of sheds containing double doors presented across their length

Alternatively here’s the smaller Tremont models if you wish to separate storage:

Extending 10 feet in length

Stretching a depth of 7 feet

Closing Opinion

If you relish the prospect of constructing a humongous facility with an abundance of storage potential, one that requires no yearly maintenance issues apart from a quick shower-down then this is worth considering.

If the size of construction rather daunts your assembly skills, consider the alternative method of dividing storage into two smaller sheds, a preferred choice many undertake.

Considering the size, Tremont’s big chief exhibits an attractive style that’s easy on the eye. Across the board they receive exceptional feedback expressing sturdiness, quality features and durability.


Thanks for calling in.

Share your Tremont views below. Any questions, please ask. We’re here to help where we can.

Good luck choosing,


Please share Tremont’s largest facility. Thank you!

View Comments (8)

  • Hi
    Im located in Sydney Australia and would like to purchase the Tremont 8x16 for my Jetski and trailer. Can this be taken care of?

    • Hi, Charlie - I have placed some links, however, I'm from the UK and they may not be available in Australia - failing that - try searching in the search engines for a company that can supply a Tremont shed in your local area.
      Best of luck - hope you are able to find and purchase one.

  • Hi.

    I need a 48 foot long shed.
    Is your 16 foot product capable of a 3 unit modular unit?


    • Hi Chris, this 16 footer is the largest shed Suncast manufacture to my knowledge. I have never heard of Tremont sheds expanding longer than 16 feet with bolt on extension kits.
      Maybe an idea to contact Suncast via their Contact page
      Hope this helps,

  • Tony Quinn says:

    These sheds seem really cool actually. I like how they look, a modern take on the conventional shed. The fact that they are water resistant and do not rot is a massive benefit. The ability to have skylights is also a cool feature. I can imagine these making really good workshops or maybe art studios for people who can't fit them within there home (or maybe they just need a quiet environment to work within).
    My only issue with the product is its sustainability. Are recycled materials used where possible?

    • Hey Tony,

      Thanks for reading about Tremont's Big Chief of large plastic storage sheds.

      Tremonts really do exhibit a fashionable display of modernism compared with the conventional styles of garden shed. Their low maintenance benefits certainly were the huge draw for our concerns in escaping re-coats of wood stain and re-roofing issues.

      Many people do turn this style into a garden workshop or summerhouse accommodation. If you're looking for a home-yard work studio or escape route, take a look at the Duotech's manufacture or Grosfillex design, this is what they are specifically intended for.

      Regarding eco-sustainability, the polypropylene makeup is environmentally friendly, being 100% recyclable delivers the huge bonus for a reusable material in terms of saving our trees and manufacturing more efficiently.

      Thanks again for visiting Tony, hope we have answered your concerns,


  • Hello Simon,

    When it comes DIY, there is no doubt assembling something such as stores or sheds is a con amid the general benefits of saving costs instead of hiring an external builder as well as knowing the flaws if something happens. Unless constructing them is a hobby, I guess assets such as large storage shed is worth investing it, or considered as a bargain. By the way, the Tremont range is indeed possess a highly, durable material that could stand in the long-run.

    • Hi Tar,

      Thanks for taking your time to read this review.

      Many people do hire someone to lay foundations for their shed to sit on as the priority rule is to construct on a solid level base. The reason for this is that all the panels line up correctly, easing the job.

      These sheds are similar to building flat packed furniture, they're quite a straightforward operation however the foundations must be correct.

      I know quite a few people who have built the popular Keter Factor 8 x 11 ft shed here in the UK and accomplished an easy assembly due to constructing on the correct base.

      We had no issues either however ours is a smaller shed than this described here yet the principles are the same.

      The only thing that disappoints me is the fact that all the sellers don't mention the foundation rule as they are only interested in selling. All I'm trying to do is get the correct information across to visitors thinking of building their own. This website's just a hobby, I'm not trying to sell anything here, my intentions are to help people. That's it.

      The Tremont range are hugely popular in the USA and all these sheds are long lasting.

      Thanks again,
