Suncast Tremont’s shed for a patio combines low-maintenance with weather-resistance, spanning a 4 ft depth delivers sizeable storage proportions yet perfect for limited space, like stood with the back against a wall, on a decked area, situated in a restricted backyard zone or confined garden locations.
With determinations to ditch our last decaying wooden structure our attention spun towards a composition made from resin, simply due to wasting precious sunny days constantly re-staining and re-roofing. Less time spent on upkeep duties were our plan: It’s turned out like a dream.
If a decent width shed with a narrow depth to accommodate a fair amount of storage is on the agenda, able to situate in a restricted home-yard space exhibiting modish eye-appeal whist composed of a weatherproof manufacture to escape maintenance headaches, take an inspection of Tremont’s 8 feet x 4 feet shed.
Suncast Tremont 8 x 4
Embracing a broad 8 feet width, slim 4 ft depth & decent height delivers quite a capacious unit, suited to fit most tight locations yet internally spacious to accommodate an extensive range of outdoor gear. Although fairly deceptive, storage solutions are quite generous here.
Modish to the extreme expressed through Tremont’s spotless appearance, the facade’s vanilla tint merges gracefully against the stony doors shade whilst topped off with stylish slate-effect tiling certainly adds a touch of swagger to any home surroundings.
Manufacturer: Suncast
Model: BMS 8400
More Info: Suncast Channel
Size: 8 ft x 4 ft
Verdict: Exceptional
Colour: Vanilla / Stony
5 sheds complete the Tremont range, this 8 x 4 ft is the baby of the family, specifically designed to conveniently serve small areas like on a patio. The next size up regards 8 x 7 feet dimensions.
All sheds run up the Tremont hill extending in 3 ft lengths, at the top presents the outstretched vastness of the 16 ft long model yet they all have identical frontage and width.
Shed Ranges exhibits a whole array of various sizes with a constitution of plastic grouped within their ranges. Scroll down to inspect Tremont’s alternatives & competition.
♦ Tremont 8 x 4 ft Shed Prices ♦
Video – Tremont Shed Range
Low-Maintenance Composition
The walls display an attractive vanilla shade exhibiting a semblance of stylish wood panelling to the exterior manufactured through technically advanced resin molding procedures.
Designed through Suncast’s blueprint of a blow-molded procedure, the manufacture moulds the resin into a multi-layered skin providing stylish attraction to the external side whilst strength is delivered internally by a ribbed infrastructure resulting in overall robustness to Tremont’s construction whilst resistant to a depreciating condition occurring through peeling and denting.
Tremont facades are manufactured in sheet form, during assembly they secure with screws around their steel infrastructure enhancing overall stability to the construction.
The resin make-up regards polypropylene, delivering durability and weather-resistance to the manufacture. Withstanding rust & rot is polypropylene’s benchmark, unsusceptible to decay entails a future absent from nurturing re-coats of preserve, varnish, paint nor stain.
Sunburn attack inevitably leads to a bleaching effect occurring on unprotected plastic. Combating colour-fade, UV protection is added into the initial stages of the polypropylene mix stabilising the composition with armoury to withstand sun-rays attack thus preventing cracking & a fading effect developing.
Accompanying Tremont’s built-in durability & weatherproof defence, their manufacture is a breeze to clean. Most take the easy duty regarding a light pressure-wash down, we generally spray-hose our shed down on a summer’s evening every once in a while, quick & easy without time constraints.
Ingrained dirt can soon be shifted using warm water, mild detergent and scrubbed with a cloth or soft bristled brush subsequent to a shower-down. We usually experience this after a winter’s period however this does depend on one’s location yet cleaning’s swift & straightforward.
Polypropylene is environmentally friendly, 100% recyclable and doesn’t discharge harmful chemicals into the atmosphere or ground.
Weatherproof Roofs Side-Step Future Hassles
An Apex designed roof was our preferred decision, something with an adequate peak ensures rainwater drains off with immediate effect, providing peace of mind concerning storage preservation. Tremont’s weatherproof design & manufacture delivers longevity when comparing against roofing felt’s rapid disintegration issues.
Suncast roofs are specifically designed to deliver immediate rainwater drainage & prevent puddles developing on top due to their superior angled high peaks whilst generously overlapping the walls edges avoids rainfall finding entry where the facade adjoins, ensuring a dry internal environment is maintained.
Due to the high elevated roof design, a generous internal height is reciprocated. Okay, you’re not going to be walking around inside due to the 4 ft width however this does increase storage options further plus delivers excellent adult headroom height as the sheds expand throughout the range.
The roof panels are molded to represent slate-roof tiling, capping Tremonts off with smart attraction however their multi-layered skin manufactured with a polypropylene composition ensures long-term durability & weather-resistance, designed to subsist changeable weather stresses without succumbing to decay.
Bracing this 8 x 4 ft roof construction together regards a metal framework that secures the polypropylene panels. As sheds expand throughout this well-favoured range, a metal truss system is introduced to further reinforce the roof structure, albeit this small roof span doesn’t require additional steel beams.
Benefits of a Suncast Resin Floor
We find the built-in floor feature maintains a clean dry internal environment due to blocking outside debris from entering & rainwater puddling the shed floor plus it ensures non-admittance for pests looking for shelter, a feature rarely found on metal sheds requiring to either leave the foundations as prepared & seal or fit a wooden floor which defeats the object somewhat with regards to decay issues.
Tremont’s integrated floors are manufactured into a thickset resin bed, designed into sheet form they interlink with the additional floor panels whilst interlocking with the walls enclosing the unit. Although this 8 x 4 ft model is rather restricted in size, it adheres to pressures endured by heavy storage, reinforced for tractor support regards Suncast’s description.
The floor’s toughened structure will only survive heavy-duty stresses long-term if the foundation principles regarding preparing a solid, level & flat base are adhered to, this stipulation is imperative. Suncast do mention, under extreme humidity levels there maybe the odd seepage of moisture through the floor yet this is quite rare.
Suncast floors contain anchor placements for grounding the shed down into the solid substrate below with screws. The screws type is conditional to whether the shed is laid upon wood or concrete and therefore not supplied.
Inside’s Deceptively Spacious
Open Tremont’s wide double doors and there’s unrestricted access to the entire storage due to the narrow 4 ft depth yet the superior 8 ft width what’s offered here fulfils the potential of delivering adequate storage room, it’s fairly spacious.
There’s over 8 ft in height equating to an overall 206 cubic feet. Whether intentions are to store long handled tools & extendable ladders, gardening equipment, bikes, kids toys, barbecue grilling utensils, sporting gear, a dry-wood log store, the list goes on; this facility is specifically designed to deliver sheltered protection.
We find stand-alone shelving enables accommodating a whole variety of weighty storage, plastic stacker boxes are useful too enabling to exploit the shed’s internal height, preferred solutions for many.
2 Tremont corner shelves designed to fit at 8 different locations are included which are handy for accommodating light storage (The image below shows the corner shelves).
2 Skylights embedded within the roof and windows in the doors deliver daylight to the interior whilst air-vents integrated into both sides of the facility above the entrance & back generate a consistent movement of fresh air to circulate around inside.
It’s surprising how a fresh ambience created through air-vents maintains storage in fine fettle by eliminating a sweaty atmosphere developing and condensation building up on the inside.
Impressive Door Hardware
The option of permanently closing the left hand door is granted by using the internal metal latches that slip into channels above and below the entrance, excellent feature reducing the possibility of a swinging door in windy weather. The image shows the latches below:
Square Georgian style windows built into the doors help create Tremont’s unique style whilst accompanying the roof’s 2 poly-carbonate roof-lights ensure daylight is delivered to the interior.
3 Metal hinges per door contribute to a quality operation during opening and closing.
Wide double doors allow for excellent access whilst their polypropylene resin manufacture delivers the same weather-resistant and durability credentials the walls behold.
House-style metal handles add character, presenting a more traditional feature to accompany a modern shed yet operate a quality finish.
The handles support a through bolt ensuring both doors are kept closed whilst a padlock designed metal clasp secures both doors simultaneously.
Tremont 8 x 4 ft Shed Measurements
Download these 8 x 4 feet dimensions:
Shed Assembly Made Easy
It’s critical to obey with the foundation rules when constructing a resin shed, starting off from the correct footings ensures a straightforward assembly procedure and correct construction.
Make certain foundations are a solid levelled substrate of either concrete, wood or paving, raised slightly above a floodplain level. Comparable to wood, these sheds are designed weatherproof but can’t be described as waterproof due to their faint interlocking gaps.
A level base delivers a swift assembly procedure due to the panels plumb alignment, a perpendicular stance results in a vertical construction without leaning stresses to one side whilst ensuring the architraves deliver the doors true operation.
A solid base enables securing the shed down onto firm anchorage below whist necessary for the resin floor to survive the stresses endured by weighty equipment.
Tremont’s small shed size roughly takes 2 people a good half a day to construct, conditional to one’s DIY experience. A ladder plus room around the shed perimeter is required for securing the roof sheets into place due to Suncast roofs having in-excess of 8 feet external height.
Suncast’s Easy-Bolt assembly constructs with a specially designed & supplied Easy-Bolt Driver. This tool secures the facade panels to the infrastructure with their unique designed resin screws.
The assembly process requires working through the order of illustrated steps, implementing the shown procedure.
Step by Step Assembly Instructions:
A Quick Demo of a Suncast Shed Construction
Positives & Negatives of Tremonts
- Fashionable modish design
- Designed to fit where space is tight
- Virtually maintenance-free
- Resistant to climate deterioration
- Weatherproof design, durable and sturdy
- Excellent apex roof drainage system
- Built-in floor retains a spotless interior
- Floor is strengthened to survive storage stresses
- Air-vents distribute freshness inside
- Attractive square door windows deliver daylight
- 2 skylights enter natural light
- Wide double door access
- Latches enable the closure of the left side door
- Featuring quality metal door hardware
- Lock-able by virtue of a padlock
- UV protected against fading and cracking
- Spacious internal headroom height
- Easy bolt assembly
- Ensure the ground beneath is a solid substrate
- Imperative to lay foundations completely level
- Only corner shelves are included. Consider free standing shelves
- Anchor Tremont sheds down
Decay-Resistant Shed Competition
Competition is getting pretty strong nowadays, this resin style is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to the wooden and metal varieties due to their low-maintenance advantages.
Inspect alternative resin sheds arranged in size order:
The following regards a selection of reviewed low-maintenance storage solutions this small Tremont’s up against:
Fusion’s Traditional Guise:
Factor’s Great Value:
Cascade’s Delight:
Lifetime’s Immaculate Image:
The Customise-able High-Store:
Final Conclusion
This Tremont 8 x 4 ft Shed is designed to impress any patio, backyard or small garden location with style; boasting a design that fits perfectly against a house wall.
Weather-resistance, low maintenance & a sturdy construction inclusive of quality fittings conclude Tremont’s specifications. The straightforward assembly usually takes longer to construct than advertised due to most of our inexperience’s however it’s a doddle to keep clean and that’s the only maintenance.
♦ Inspect Tremont 8 x 4 ft Shed Prices ♦
Competition is pretty fierce, there’s a lot of new styles hitting the market lately yet the full appraisal this shed receives through feedback deserves a full inspection.
Here’s Suncast’s take, followed by a snippet of typical feedback:
Thank you for reading about Tremont’s shed for a patio.
Any related patio facility queries? Please share down below. It’s a pleasure to help.
Thanks again,
Please share Tremont’s patio shed with your social friends. Thank you!
Denise Ledesma
I’m planning on using this for the inside part of an animal cage and need to know if it is insulated or can maintain heat inside for reptiles. It is replacing a wood structure of 4 ft wide 10 ft long and 7 ft high. please email me. Thank you
Hi Denise, thanks for reading about this Suncast Tremont shed.
This shed isn’t insulated, the walls & ceiling are manufactured with a blow-moulded double-lined skin but I’m not sure whether this would be suitable for accommodating reptiles.
I would ask Suncast their opinion regarding this matter. Here is their contact page:
Hope this helps,
Do you provide fitting along with Installation on site.
Kindly also can we have the price for the 6×6 or 10×6
If any range of different size. Delivery time and rest
Hi Ravi,
I neither manufacture nor install sheds – this website simply promotes resin style sheds and points visitors to the most competitive websites where you can purchase.
Hope this helps,
Hi simon.
Just wondering if you got my earlier communication about mailing to Australia?
Could you please email me back?
We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards ,
Hi Janine, I replied on the Suncast Cascade page, the day you asked, sorry for the confusion. I have sent you an email to clarify.
Hope this helps,
I love this Tremont 4 x 8-foot shed which is perfect for my backyard, and especially the ability to leave the left-side door closed by using the internal metal latches that slot into grooves above and below the door. That is a great feature, allowing me to get in and out with just one door. The metal handles with the through-bolt are gorgeous.
Hi Amy,
Thanks for calling in to inspect the Tremont 8 x 4 ft shed for a patio.
It’s surprising how much internal storage space these 8 x 4 ft sheds accommodate plus the generous height due to Suncast’s steep roof pitch, they are quite deceptive.
Suncast doors incorporate quality hardware as shown in the images above, these internal latches on the left-hand door are a great feature in windy weather allowing that door to remain closed to prevent it swinging.
I too like the traditional touch the handles exhibit and the way the squared effect windows display against the modern facade. A padlock clasp incorporates the through-bolt for security, locking both doors simultaneously.
Thanks again Amy, Tremont sheds do receive first-rate feedback,
This Suncast Tremont storage shed looks like a winner, Simon.
I was planning on building a storage shed this Spring to clean up the backyard a bit. In the past, I used to favor wood also because of its natural beauty, and the fact that I could design something attractive to look at.
This shed would certainly look good in any backyard. I am growing very tired of the maintenance of my wooden sheds and other backyard furniture.
After awhile it’s just too much work leaving too little time to relax, which is the real purpose of the backyard.
The wide doors and bright interior are very appealing.
How long have you owned this shed and how do the door hinges hold up?
Does the paint color fade with time?
Hi Paul, Thanks for reading about the Tremont 8×4 shed.
There’s no getting away from the fact that there’s nothing as good looking as the beauty of natural wood. The problem is the maintenance issues are year on year to keep them looking good and to stop the rot setting in.
Resin on the other hand is waterproof, durable, easy to clean, no maintenance hassle and works out so much cheaper than a high quality wooden structure, the reason many people are choosing to opt for a resin style.
I have a Keter Factor 6 x 6 ft shed, Tremont doors each have 3 metal hinges per door, they’re not plastic, no issues here. These quality sheds resin is UV stabilised to resist cracking and fading in the sun.
Over the last few years technical advances have evolved to provide so many qualities within the resin mix they are becoming a favourable alternative to wood.
The only stipulation you have to adhere to is preparing solid level foundations as this makes assembly easy as all the panels line up correctly, then anchor the shed down into the foundations
Thanks again Paul and good luck with your decision,