Small Plastic Storage Sheds

Grosfillex manufacture one of the most adorable displays of small plastic storage sheds, enclosed in weather-resistant PVC resin they replace future’s upkeep hassles with a swift spray-hose down. This mini walk-in facility exhibits a pure summery attraction of light-blue pastel shades wrapped around white trims, destined to complement any garden setting.

Grosfillex 2.76 m² Utility Shed

Grosfillex are a French company designing & manufacturing delectable looking quality PVC summerhouse constructions available in a range of various sizes to accomplish turning ideas of one’s own garden escape route or services into reality. This 2.76 m² Utility shed regards Grosfillex’s smallest dimensions in a walk-in size.

This small utility shed incorporates the same design pattern as Grosfillex’s summerhouse infrastructure albeit absent from large windows, an obvious requirement for living accommodation however due to the diverse range of usages regarding garden rooms from a Jacuzzi spar-hut to home-office space Grosfillex sheds are not inclusive of integrated floors, requiring you to fit your own dependant on the services required.

Situated on a level base of wood or concrete provide the perfect foundations for this type of utility shed. Waterproofing Grosfillex bases requires applying sealant around the sheds internal perimeter after completing their construction.

We chose to depart the conservation roles necessary to maintain our last last wooden facility, once the roofing felt deteriorated for the umpteenth time combined with the rotting demise of the floor led us to search for an alternative solution to the constant yearly upkeep hassles.

Grosfillex Small Utility Shed Prices:

A quickie spray-hose down sure beats the headaches and time associated with yearly re-servicing duties relating to nurturing the wood for weather-defence. To be honest I never find washing our shed down a nuisance, it’s a job I’ve come to rather enjoy on a summer’s evening whilst watering the plants.

Grosfillex Garden Utility Sheds


Grosfillex Utility Shed Composition

Grosfillex’s roof and facade composition regards a twinned lining of polypropylene resin reinforced with an internal corrugated structure resulting in 26 mm thick panels. Each facade and roof sheet secures to the steel infrastructure displayed in the images by white external trims.

The facade’s PVC sheets are molded to create an attractive semblance of vertical wooden-effect panelling flaunted in sublime pastel blue shade delivered by Grosfillex’s unique heliographic printing procedure embossing intricate details of wood-grain. This 2.76 m² utility shed delivers a picture perfect beach-hut guise, intended to enhance any small garden location with refreshing finesse.

Grosfillex’s environmentally friendly PVC composition is 99% recyclable whilst designed to survive the ever changing weather from damp conditions to hot sunshine:

The steel struts combine with the thick PVC composition delivering a quality weather-resistant construction of sturdiness, designed to survive driving rain and heavy snowfall whilst maintain a dry interior for storage protection.

Polypropylene resin is impermeable to rainwater and immune from weather deterioration, doesn’t suffer from decay or rot and requires no future treatment associated with re-painting or re-varnishing conservation duties to nurture the facade in order to maintain defence.

Grosfillex Utility Shed Prices:

Mixed within the polypropylene resin regards a UV stabilisation process delivering armoured protection against surface splitting whilst providing colour-fade defence, preventing the demise in appearance bleaching effect succumbs to when sunburn rays attack.

In addition to these weather-resistant advantages relates to Grosfillex’s undemanding duty to replenish their sheds surface shine, a few minutes light spray-hose down generally regards their usual requirement. Any build up of grime: Light detergent mixed with warm water and scrubbed with a soft brush removes ingrained dirt. Grosfillex Sheds and Summerhouses are described as virtually maintenance-free.

Grosfillex’s Roof Structure

Grosfillex’s roof structure delivers a wide expanse. Generously overlapping the facade the creation of eaves averts the possibility or rainwater gaining entry where the walls abut whilst their nice angled peak construction generates an effective rainwater drainage system avoiding the occurrence of puddles developing.

The roof panels incorporate the same structural format of polypropylene resin the walls posses resulting in an impermeable weatherproof topping resistant to deterioration through damp conditions and sunburn attack without succumbing to re-roofing projects further down the line, quite the opposite of roofing felt’s rapid structural demise disadvantage.

The roof panels secure to the roof’s metal infrastructure that adjoins to a central ridge beam running the entire length within the apex peak, a clever summerhouse design bolstering reinforced support whilst delivering a spacious expanse of internal headroom due to the absence of a steel truss system spanning the apex width.

Grosfillex Small Shed Prices:

Central Ridge Beam Delivers Reinforced Support

Grosfillex Utility Shed Features

Air-vents installed into the facade’s frontage and back are situated at the top of the apex peak and within all four corners. They generate a current of air to constantly circulate the interior. Delivering a two fold effect they replace a sweaty plastic environment with a fresh aired internal ambience whilst preventing condensation building up on the inside, thus increasing storage protection.

Three metal hinges deliver a quality opening & closure of the doors whilst traditional key-lockable door handles shut the doors and provide excellent security. A window in the door provides daylight to the interior however this small utility shed is absent from skylights in the roof and windows in the facade due to serving for garden storage rather than summerhouse accommodation.

Mounting kits are sometimes included, sometimes optional extras (check with the supplier prior to purchase). These kits cut to length and are installed within the shed’s steel infrastructure with screws. Hanging items or installing shelves is simply accomplished by screwing into the mounting kits.

Another great alternative to fixing shelves with mounting kits relates to installing the free-standing variety, a popular solution many take on-board due to the weight they are able to support.

Anchor Placements

Additional Anchor Kits are usually included with the shed (check with the supplier prior to purchase). These provide well bolstered anchored support to the already in place anchorage system, intended for exposed areas where rigidity to strong winds are of primary concern.

Within each corner of the shed are anchor brackets that secure to the steel corners of the shed’s infrastructure whilst anchored down into the foundations. Running around the shed’s perimeter are additional anchor placements to which bolts are used to further secure the shed down into the foundations.

Additional Anchoring Kits for Exposed Areas

Anchor Kits, inclusive of steel cables, tensioners, clamps and quick links are straightforward to install, they inconspicuously hide within the corners of the shed whilst connecting all four corners of the shed together delivering enhanced anchorage support to the already in place anchorage system.

Grosfillex 2.76 m² Utility Shed Measurements

Assembling Grosfillex Utility Sheds

Assembling any quality plastic shed including a Grosfillex model requires preparing a level substrate of either wood, concrete or paving foundations. Resin sheds correct foundation process alleviates assembly headaches due to the easy alignment of the facade panels, plumb vertical door swing whilst eliminating leaning pressures due to the roof weight applying equal pressure on all shed sides.

Once the foundations are adhered to, constructing a Grosfillex shed requires two people to follow the order of instructions, implementing the procedure. A step ladder and room is required all around the shed for fitting the roof panels, just refrain from building on a windy day as these large sheets can represent a nightmare if gusts get behind them.

Grosfillex sheds are not inclusive of integrated floors due to their Summerhouse diversity requiring personal preference of flooring. When the shed is constructed the instructions illustrate how to correctly seal the shed with sealant around the shed’s internal base perimeter to accomplish fully waterproofing.

Grosfillex Shed Prices:

Pros and Cons of Grosfillex’s Small Utility Shed


  • Light blue pastel shades generate a summery appearance
  • Ultra stylish small utility shed design
  • Fits in confined spaces whist complementing any garden location
  • PVC make-up delivers weather-resistance
  • No future rust, rot or decay issues
  • Sturdy build quality
  • Excellent anchorage foundation support
  • Additional anchorage system for exposed areas
  • Generous angled apex peak delivers rainwater drainage
  • Sturdy apex roof ridge delivers well bolstered roof support
  • Spacious internal headroom expanse
  • Single door delivers daylight
  • Inclusive of traditional handle and key-lockable door
  • Air-vents maintain a fresh dry interior
  • Mounting kits allow for shelf installation
  • Mounting kits enable hanging items
  • 10 years Grosfillex limited warranty
  • Receives first-rate feedback through reviews
  • Constructed with household tools
  • Effortless wash-down maintains appearances


  • Foundations have to be solid and level
  • Anchor Grosfillex sheds down onto the foundations
  • Not inclusive of an integrated floor

Check Grosfillex’s competing Quality Plastic Sheds, ranged in size order with links to their in-depth reviews.

Final Verdict

Grosfillex 2.76 m² Utility Shed exhibits a delectable stylish presence of summery pastel blue and white shades. A sturdy build quality delivers a robust make-up to survive adverse weather whilst the weatherproof facade replaces upkeep conservation duties with a whirlwind spray-hose down to rejuvenate the shine.

A pleasant environment generates inside delivered by the air-vents fresh atmosphere, paramount for storage preservation. Key lockable doors deliver increased security standards above the competition and although only one window presented in the door delivers daylight, it’s adequate for these dimensions and gardening services required.

Superb anchorage systems secure Grosfillex sheds to the ground, mounting kits enable hanging long handled gardening tools to the walls and a well designed angled roofing crown ensures efficient rainwater drainage whilst delivering spacious internal headroom.

Low-maintenance with 10 years limited warranty accompanied by first class feedback puts the icing on the cake.

Grosfillex Small Utility Shed Prices:

Read About Me

Thanks for reading about Grosfillex’s Small Plastic Storage Sheds.

Any questions relating, please ask in the comment section below. Always happy to help where I can.

Thanks again,


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View Comments (8)

  • Would you be able to make a taylor made shed please, i.e., Length 8m x 3 width. Thank you

    • Hi, thanks for visiting and messaging.
      Unfortunately, I neither, manufacture, sell nor assemble garden sheds. This website just showcases the new resin designs of garden sheds.
      Maybe a joiner or builder in your local area will be able to help you.
      I hope you can soon find a solution for your tailor-made garden shed,

  • Brendan Chapman says:

    Hello I am interested in getting a shed - for a 10x10m garden. Issue is Roof Height to limit shadows. I can not readily find this info. Something like the Keter Factor 6x6, Keter Artisan 7x7 or Grosflex 4.9m2 might suit. Could you direct me to heights please.

    Bigger issue - I live in Dublin. Can you say what are implications of Brexit on possibility of Import. Alternative are these available in N. Ireland which presents No Brexit difficulties as far as i know. Are they available in another EU country from which i could readily import. Regards Brendan

    • Hi, Brendan, I have written an article about the Keter 6 x 6ft and the Keter Artisan 7 x 7ft
      If you scroll down the page you will see the measurements including the height.

      I would contact the seller and ask them about delivery. I neither manufacture, sell or assemble sheds – this website just introduces the various resin-designed garden shed and points visitors to reasonable prices on the net where you can read the reviews.

      Hope this helps, thanks for messaging,

  • Luckily, when I bought my house it already had a shed and it had just been built. My parents did a lot of research before getting theirs about a year ago. This would have been a great site for them. If anyone else I know is in the market for a shed, I will certainly direct them to this site as it is full of great information!

    • Hi Trisha,

      Thanks for visiting and reading about these low maintenance outdoor storage solutions.

      You can't beat having a garden shed to store your outdoor gear where you need it most, outside. They aid in accomplishing a more organised lifestyle by creating more space in the home and garage.

      Yeah, research isn't easy as most of the websites are sales sites. We found that no sales sites mentioned the imperative measure in laying the correct foundations for a resin shed, stipulations we and the majority were initially completely oblivious to hence the establishment of this website, to provide honest information.

      Here we only concentrate on sheds with a low maintenance facade and construction, grouping walk-in sheds, horizontal sheds and deck boxes in one place with in-depth reviews for visitors to take a full inspection and help them choose the style to suit their requirements. 

      And the best thing - We have no allegiance to any particular type, just honest reviews.

      Thanks for sharing Trisha, appreciate your time,


  • I have been looking for a storage shed for my rear yard for a while now, but I have only really looked at traditional wooden products.

    I like the sound of the weatherproof qualities with these plastic sheds, but I am not sure about how secure they are as compared with wooden versions.

    What are your thoughts on the security issues regarding wooden vs plastic sheds?

    • Hi Kristian,

      Thanks for visiting to read about Grosfillex's small plastic storage sheds.

      This small utility shed has a key lockable door with a traditional handle comparable to the security measures of a house in my view, only by installing an alarm will increase their security, just like a home.

      The issue with padlock security seen on the vast majority of wooden, metal and quality plastic sheds relate to whether a thief is using bolt cutters as these will cut through padlocks gaining entry into anything secured that way.

      In my view, this Grosfillex Utility shed is more secure than anything locked-up with a padlock due to it's key-lockable traditional handle.

      Hope this helps Kristian, thanks again,
