Introducing a pair of Lifetime’s sturdy plastic sheds designed to accommodate 7 feet wide garden placements. The smaller facility covers a 4½ ft depth whereas the larger model squares the dimensions extending 7 feet down the length.
Engineered to produce enhanced strengthening by incorporating a dual lined skin fortifies the facades manufacture in conjunction with bracing the panels to a steel supporting structure ensues all-embracing rigidity to the construction.
In contrast to their flushed-with-success 8 ft width assortment, Lifetime declare this 1 ft shorter roof span presented on these two sheds intensifies buttress reinforcements to the top providing contentment in accommodating mighty lumps of snowfall. Surprisingly, these are stronger sheds.
Accompanying this backbone of strength regards the admirable creations advanced cutting-edge molding techniques can nowadays achieve, delivering ultra-attractive resemblances of a wooden structure decorated in sublime shades albeit absent from future dilemmas relating to weather deterioration and conservation headaches.
The upper-hand of convenience however relates to the speed a wash takes to reinstate the mint condition into a time-after-time spic-and-span image. A shower takes minutes compared with repeatable days of laborious preservation re-coats demanded to nurture wood and the frustrations encountered switching disintegrated roofing felt for a new covering.
Check out Lifetime’s sturdy features
Strengthened Polyethylene Composition
In preference to the common process of injection molding where a single wall sheet of resin produces a waver-able facade susceptible to fractures and dents, Lifetime supersede those old-hat designs by blow molding High Density Polyethylene into a dual lining thereby eluding the unsightly impressions of dent damage with their chunky design.
The inner skin represents a ridged appearance delivering a staunch backing of robustness to the manufacture. Adjoining the backbone constitutes the frontage skin where the molding method creates a likeness to wood panelling displayed in horizontal formation embossed with elaborate textured weaves of grain.
Amalgamating with the polyethylene embodies UV defence, creating a barrier of protection to safeguard against pigment bleaching whilst the toughening armours the body to withstand fracturing when assaulted upon by the brute-force of sunburn.
Radiating an off-white warmth of a desert-sandy tinge mildly accentuates a gardens landscape meanwhile beneath the sublime exterior of the facade is where the construction braces the panels together with the steel structural framework attributed by driving in quality assured metal screws.
Polyethylene delivers four-season weather protection, surviving piles of snow, persistent rain and sweltering heat meanwhile simultaneously resisting rot, fade & fractures throughout weather-duress. Furthermore this type of resin is environmentally sustainable and devoid from dispersing noxious chemicals into the atmosphere. 100% reusable describes polyethylene’s green friendliness.
Unwind the garden hose and fetch back assembly day’s display with a whirlwind shower defines the relaxed approach to maintenance, a job I receive contentment from until they develop the first self-cleaning shed, there’s an invention to behold!
Lifetime 7 x 4½ ft
Reinforced Apex Roof Structure
Internally the roof-sheet lining is formed into a deep costate furrowed surface to shore-up bonded rigidness to the outer-skin. Composed of High Density Polyethylene ensures the impervious resin delivers immunity to weather-decay, each sheet internally secures to the apex framework.
The molding system forms the contemporary lookalike of a slate tiled roof, crowning the tops in classic true-to-life form. Assuring the production of an efficient high class drainage system is determined by the steep inclined apex construction meanwhile putting an end to leaks developing at the walls abutment is overcome by the roofs liberal overlap.
Buttressing the underpinning of the apex comprises a steel spar system expanding across the rafters to where the roof sheets connect, in conjunction with securing to the facades vertical steel struts. Every steel support constitutes an anti-rust preservative coating.
The reciprocation of headroom loftiness is received internally on account of the steep acclivity of the apex pitch, sufficiently designed for an adult to saunter around without a crack to the head, backache bending nor feeling boxed-in aided by the skylight illuminating the internals with basks of daylight.
Weighing up the pros & cons of roofing felt as opposed to polyethylene becomes evident once you’ve suffered the effects of weather depreciation. Roofing felt has a very short lifespan, disintegrates rapidly and demands repeatable replacements whereas polyethylene remains immutable, endlessly enduring.
Lifetime 7 x 7 ft
Additional Sturdy Features Throughout
The flooring embodies robust strengthening to provide a beefy bed, enhanced to subsist the strains hefty garden machinery endures wheeling in. Furthermore the top surface of the manufacture delivers an anti-slip grip meanwhile spilling over solvent liquids presents no problems, it’s purposely designed to wipe-away oil without staining.
Similar to facade makeup the floor is manufactured in panels, interlinking edges connect with adjacent sheets forming the base. The walls interlock within the boundary edge delivering enclosure, super favourable around Autumn’s leafy free-fall notwithstanding the creation of a blockage from heavy showers puddling the interior.
Primary focus prior to construction is to create the advised groundwork’s for the shed to settle. A levelled substratum of either wood, asphalt, concrete or paving to name a few ensures solidity, significant in attaining firm anchorage by means of bolting down the floor plus it provides the requisites for the floor to prevail the stresses enforced upon by hefty gardening gear.
Shelving does vary with regards to sales sites to what is included with either shed, check the description or ask the supplier. Both the corner & straight shelves are stiffened with steel, position & secure to sturdy struts therefore storage weight doesn’t present an issue however their limited width does rather, leading the favoured preference to self assemble the free-standing types & take advantage of inside’s loftiness.
Alleviating the progression of a muggy atmosphere developing inside is overcome by integrating two screened vents. Positioned on opposite sides they disperse freshness from outside into the interior by generating a constant crosscurrent of airflow meanwhile the screening design stops insects crawling through.
Extensive Access through Twin Brawny Doors
A wide-ranging high-arched entryway is accessed through dual matching doors produced from a thickset manufacture of polyethylene delivering avoidance from weather decay whilst molded into a charming resemblance of a wooden composition, tinted brown.
Closing and locking up is accomplished by maintaining the left-hand door’s closed position by means of sliding the doorstops into place, positioned towards the interior top & bottom. Closing the right-hand door adjacent to the left-hand door and gliding the through-bolt into the catch located on the left delivers closure. An additional catch adjoining the through-bolt device folds over a hasp designed for a padlock to slip through and secure.
Door-length hinges function the doors back & forth movement accompanied by easy-grasp handles to commence their operation. Although architecturally designed arches enhance style their additional advantage relates to generating increased walk-through height to overcome bending over. Couple the height with the width-spread opening, accessing large wheel-in lawnmowers satisfies gardeners.
Level ground is critical to produce the shed’s square 90° angle, not only does this eliminate a skewiff stance derived by ensuring uniform roof pressure, a plumb upright architrave standing establishes, assuring the correct performance of the doors function.
Okay, I’m only a novice DIY enthusiast however take the manufacturers advice regarding the foundations. We too were initially oblivious with respect to their importance but after adhering & erecting our shed without issues, looking back the ease of delivering a spot-on construction was simply down to complying with these stipulations, everything else falls into place from this first step.
Tips and Tricks of Assembly
Highs & Lows
- Designed to fit 7 feet wide locations
- Choice of 4½ ft and 7 ft depths
- Sturdy construction assures stability
- Spotless unblemished appearance
- Wood lookalike radiates desert-sand tones
- Architectural attraction enhances gardens
- Robust roof efficiently drains rainwater
- Truss system underpins the roof structure
- Thickset beefy floor encases both sheds
- Base includes a grip-able anti-stain design
- UV stabilised delivers sunburn defence
- Brawny doors deliver wide access
- Security-assured by means of a padlock
- Polycarbonate skylight illumines natural daylight
- The 7 footer includes one window
- Rapid cleanse simply restores the looks
- Weatherproof manufacture
- Double skinned formation enhances sturdiness
- Immune from decay-deterioration
- 10 years Lifetime warranty guarentee
- Both sheds receive the thumbs up through feedback
- Level footings are a necessity for the construction
- Firm anchorage & the floor requires solidity laid below
- Shelving is okay for small items
- Contemplate freestanding shelves for heavy storage
Rivalling the 7 ft width Range
Cascade’s 7 ft wide sheds:
Delivering the option of either a 7 ft length (top) or 4 ft depth (bottom)
Check out alternative stylish resin designs:
Concluding Assessment
Lifetime enable storing a whole host of gardening equipment and outdoor storage in these two sturdy 7 feet wide facilities. Offering the choice of 4½ feet in depth or the lengthier 7 footer occupies many garden spots containing a breadth of 7 feet.
Architectural attraction exhibits favourable styling presented in neutral off-white yet warm tones delivering the finishing touches to enhance any home-yard’s landscape. Aided by the entryways threshold and expansive twin door access, acquiring storage becomes ultra-efficient.
Polyethylene puts an end to conservation dilemmas, superseded by unravelling the garden hose & delivering a quick once-in-a-while lightening cleanse.
Constructed from High Density Polyethylene, formed into a dual wall-facade braced around a metal infrastructure accompanied by steel trusses further supporting the high peaked apex delivers a strapping finish. Once anchored down onto the recommended substrate, longevity comes into fruition.
10 years worth of backing complimented by super reviews – What more’s to say. These are cracking sheds.
7 ft x 4½ ft
7 ft x 7 ft
Appreciate your time reading about Lifetime’s sturdy plastic sheds.
Any associated queries or thoughts, please share away in the box below.
All the best,
Please share these sturdy sheds. Thank you!
Hey Simon! This is a great article for anyone who’s looking into buying a shed and is considering Lifetime. Thank you very much for all of the information you have presented here. It will make it easier for people to make the purchase! Is it pretty easy to set up or do you have someone else set up the shed?
Hey Adam, appreciate your time reading about the benefits Lifetime’s 7 feet wide sturdy plastic sheds provide.
Lifetime suggest these sheds deliver more strength than their global best selling 8 ft width range due to these roofs having a shorter width span which seems obvious considering the same style of metal framework incorporates into both ranges to which their polyethylene fascia panels secure to.
The key to building a perfectly standing shed construction that serves to distinction starts with assembling from a solid and level substrate, adhering with the preparation of Lifetime’s recommended foundations overcomes many potential problems and leads to an efficient build.
These sheds are small-medium in size therefore constructing doesn’t become overwhelming. Assembling regards the process of following and implementing the sequence of instruction steps as you would with flat-packed furniture.
In the UK, there’s a company on eBay that supplies Lifetime sheds along with the option of installation if you wish for experienced shed assemblers to construct however you have to have the required foundations in situ prior to installation to which a local tradesman could soon accomplish. Their installation option is represented by 2 sets of prices.
This links to the 7 x 4.5 ft prices.
Here links to Lifetime’s 7 x 7 ft prices.
Hope this helps your quest Adam, thank you,
Dave M.
I enjoyed reading you post about the Lifetime sheds. You have provided a ton of great information! I have a shed that is 17 years old and is made of wood. I have replaced rotting wood, painted and repaired the shed many times, and recently replaced the roof! How I wish I had invested in Lifetime shed like the ones in you post! I am going to start looking at the sheds and will likely replace my existing shed with one of the models in your post. Do you think the gravel base I currently have for my wood shed will work for a Lifetime shed?
Hi Dave,
Thanks for taking your time to read about Lifetime’s 7 ft width sturdy plastic sheds.
Your conservation dilemmas are identical to what we unfortunately went through with our last wooden hut. As the age sets in and damp penetrates into the structure all sorts of problems arise.
We also replaced rotten panels, re-coated the exterior annually with wood-stain and replaced roofing felt over the years. Once the rot set into the floor we decided to search for an alternative solution to cut out these constant demands and eventually turned our attention towards resin.
Don’t get me wrong, if our budget wasn’t an issue we would have probably gone for a pressure treated cedar wood shed topped off with a resin roof similar to these roofs, however check those prices out, they are extremely expensive.
These resin structures suit our services & budget just fine and very happy with the outcome.
Regarding the foundations, it’s imperative a solid substrate is laid level for the shed to sit on rather than gravel as firm anchorage is key. Only a solid material such as concrete, wood, asphalt or paving etc will suffice, something that you can screw into in order to attain firm anchorage as this increases wind resistance levels many times over and enhances the shed’s stability.
Hope this helps Dave, keep dropping by to read the new reviews, thanks again,